Users' questions

Where can I farm Fel Lotus TBC?

Where can I farm Fel Lotus TBC?

The best way i’ve found to farm Fel Lotus is farming the netherdust bushes on Netherwing Ledge in Shadowmoon Valley. They respawn a lot quicker than normal herb nodes do, and theres a lot more of them when compared to other areas of similar sizes.

How do you get a Fel Lotus?

Fel Lotus requires a herbalist to gather and cannot be farmed with the traditional method. It does not have its own node to spawn. Fel Lotus can be found as a bi-product while gathering other herbs from the Outlands or it may rarely spawn on a random herb node.

Is Fel Lotus rare?

It will still be a rare drop but this should increase the frequency. This will be a major help to flask alchemist(which I am) as Fel lotus is required.

What level should I choose Black Lotus?

Black Lotus now spawns more often and can appear in many new locations. Black Lotus cannot be seen on-screen or on the minimap by players who are dead, unless they have Herbalism at level 300 or higher.

Where can I farm primal life TBC?

By-far the best place to farm these motes is south-western Zangarmarsh, particularly if you are a herbalist. They are lvl 63-64, easy to kill & you can skin them after killing them to yield another chance for motes.

How do you get Primal Nether?

Drops from the final boss of each 5-man instance in Outland, both on Normal and Heroic modes. In Normal mode, each instance’s final boss has a 5% chance to drop it, while in Heroic mode, it is a guaranteed drop.

What is Frost Lotus used for?

The Frost Lotus is as the previous Lotus; the Black Lotus (Pre TBC) and the Fel Lotus (TBC), used in Flasks, wich is the most common use of the Lotus plants. The latest member of the Lotus family, the Frost Lotus, is for now only used in the making of any Wotlk Flask and one of the three level 400 Alchemy stones.

Are Black Lotus used in TBC?

Yes black lotus and some other select herbs will still be valuable. Blotuses will be used still in TBC.

Why is Black Lotus so expensive?

There are more tournament legal Black Lotus in the world than Wood Elementals. FACT. It’s that value because of the short printings for Alpha/Beta/Unlimited. It’s also a collector’s item more than for its playability.

Where can I farm motes of Fire TBC?

Best Place to farm these it seems, is the Elemental Plateau in the North East Corner of Nagrand. Theres Elementals of each type there, so pretty decent spot for Motes of Earth, Air, Wind, Water, and Fire. Drop rate is abou 35%-40% for Motes of Fire – only issue is the sheer amount of people up there farming them.

Do enchanters use Primal Nether?

Enchanters have one recipe using primal nether (

Who needs Primal Nether?

Primal Nether is used in epic level Engineering, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring recipes. As of Patch 2.4. 0, this item is no longer Bind on Pickup.

What’s the best way to farm Fel Lotus?

Apologies if this is a repost. The best way i’ve found to farm Fel Lotus is farming the netherdust bushes on Netherwing Ledge in Shadowmoon Valley. They respawn a lot quicker than normal herb nodes do, and theres a lot more of them when compared to other areas of similar sizes.

Where is the best place to farm Lotus in Wow?

1 Best Fel Lotus Farming Spots 2 Hellfire Peninsula 3 Netherstorm 4 Shadowmoon Valley

Where do you get frost Lotus in RuneScape?

Other ways to obtain Frost Lotus is by gathering any herbs in Northrend such as Icethorn, Lichbloom or any other herbs as there is a 7.5% chance to drop as additional items except for Frozen Herbs. I repeat, Frost Lotus cannot be obtained from Frozen Herbs.

Where to find Purple Lotus in Felwood Wow?

Purple Lotus Felwood There are 5 ruins in Felwood where Purple Lotus grows. Usually you can only find 1 Purple Lotus at the smaller ruins, but at the larger ones like Ruins of Constellas you can often find 2-3. Since this is the only zone where Purple Lotus grows, it’s often farmed by someone else.