
What happens when you mix cyan and red?

What happens when you mix cyan and red?

green plus blue light makes cyan, blue plus red light makes magenta.

Why does red green and blue make white?

If you mix red, green, and blue light, you get white light. This is additive color. As more colors are added, the result becomes lighter, heading towards white. RGB is used to generate color on a computer screen, a TV, and any colored electronic display device.

What does red and cyan make?

white light
Mixing red light and cyan light at the right intensity will make white light.

What two colors mixed together makes white?

The interesting thing to know about white is that adding red, green and blue light together will give you white light.

Why was wheat bread made to be white?

Whiteness was achieved by sieving out the skin of the grain (bran) and the germ (the bit that feeds the new plant). In a world of scarcity, this made wheat bread pricey.

Why is white bread so hard to digest?

Gluten is the main content in white bread difficult to digest. Usual plain bread like white bread is unfortunately made from flour where the fiber is lost most of the time when in the process of making it. Fiber will make cholesterol levels down on the body so that the digestive system healthy and full stomach.

How is flour bleached to make white bread?

The flour used in white breads are bleached further—by the use of chemicals such as potassium bromate, azodicarbonamide, or chlorine dioxide gas to remove any slight, natural yellow shade and make its baking properties more predictable. This is banned in the EU. Some flour bleaching agents are also banned from use in other countries.

What kind of gas is used to make white bread?

The flour used in white breads are bleached further—by the use of chemicals such as potassium bromate, azodicarbonamide, or chlorine dioxide gas to remove any slight, natural yellow shade and make its baking properties more predictable.