
What is the driving distance between Chattanooga and Atlanta?

What is the driving distance between Chattanooga and Atlanta?

There are 103.86 miles from Chattanooga to Atlanta in southeast direction and 118 miles (189.90 kilometers) by car, following the I-75 S route. Chattanooga and Atlanta are 1 hour 49 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Chattanooga, TN to Atlanta, GA.

How much is the shuttle from Atlanta to Chattanooga?

Atlanta Airport To Chattanooga Shuttle The fare is $86 each way for adults ($172 round trip) and $55 for children ages 3-7 ($110 round trip) on the Atlanta Airport to Nashville Airport route.

Is Chattanooga close to Atlanta?

The total driving distance from Chattanooga, TN to Atlanta, GA is 118 miles or 190 kilometers. It ends in Atlanta, Georgia. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Chattanooga, TN to Atlanta, GA so you can see when you’ll arrive at your destination.

What is there to do between Chattanooga and Nashville?

Next time you make the journey, take some time to check out one of these incredible destinations.

  • Foster Falls and the Fiery Gizzard Trail. kerstenew.
  • Sewanee Perimeter Trail. syp60.
  • Rock Island State Park.
  • Little Cedar Mountain Trail.
  • Rutledge Falls Swimming Hole.
  • Savage Gulf Natural Area.
  • Cumberland Caverns.
  • Old Stone Fort.

What city is halfway between Chattanooga TN and Atlanta GA?

To reach the midway point from Chattanooga to Atlanta, you would drive for about 58 minutes or roughly 59 miles from Atlanta to the halfway stop. The best place to meet based on recommendations from Trippy members is Calhoun. The location closest to the exact midpoint would be Adairsville.

What’s the closest city in Tennessee to Atlanta Georgia?

The best city between Tennessee and Atlanta, GA to meet is Chattanooga, Tennessee which is about 5 miles from the exact midpoint. The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Tiftonia, Tennessee. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 37409.

Does Megabus go to Chattanooga TN?

Megabus will keep its current route here that runs through Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville, Louisville, Ky., Indianapolis, Ind., and Chicago.

Is Chattanooga TN safe?

Chattanooga’s total crime rate is 7,101 per 100,000 people. There is a 1 in 14 chance of being a victim of a crime in Chattanooga. What are some of the worst areas of Chattanooga? Some of the most dangerous areas in Chattanooga include Glenwood, Highland Park, and Alton Park.

Is Chattanooga worth visiting?

Chattanooga has been named one of the top places to visit in the United States, and for a great reason. The southern city in Tennessee mixes outdoor adventure with laid-back charm, so you can enjoy a mixture of the two, and so that all of your traveling companions can find something that perfectly suits their tastes.

What city is halfway between Nashville and Chattanooga?

Approximately halfway between Nashville and Chattanooga lies McMinnville.