What hard counters Akali?
What hard counters Akali?
Akali Counter Pick The strongest counter would be Olaf, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 51.52% (Good) and Play Rate of 2.98% (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Akali, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.
Who counters Akali in lane?
League of Legends Wild Rift Akali Counters are Olaf, Pantheon, and Tryndamere, which have the best chance of winning Akali in the lane. You DO NOT want to pick Nasus or Garen as they will most likely lose to Akali. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Amumu and Darius are good with Akali.
What should I build against Akali?
Traditionally, most players will take armor runes to help them with the enemy. Armor is beneficial against Akali as she does deal mixed damage, and armor is great against AD champions. However, Akali will be buying AP items and deal a considerable amount of damage to targets with less magic resistance.
Does Lulu counter Akali?
Lulu has done a good job of countering Akali. Typically, she wins a fantastic 53.0% of games the champs battle one another in. In Lulu against Akali rounds, Lulu’s side is 1.0% more expected to obtain first blood, implying that she probably will get first blood against Akali.
How do you beat Akali as Yone?
To have the best probability of vanquishing Akali as Yone, Yone players should equip the Fleet Footwork, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace, Bone Plating, and Revitalize runes. Of all the rune sets players chose for Yone vs Akali battles, this set of runes yielded the greatest win rate.
Is Akali bad now?
After having bad win rates in solo queue in patch 11.13, she is now performing even worse after Riot nerfed her damage on Perfect Execution (R) and removed the ability to cast Five Point Strike (Q) while dashing with Shuriken Flip (E).
Which is the best counter for Akali in Lol?
Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Mid Lane champion who counters Akali. Win Champion Select with Akali counters for LoL S11 Patch 11.10. Main Role Order: Mid Lane > Top Lane > Support > ADC > Jungle
How to counter Akali’s mark of the assassin?
Akali counters and more. Please let us know what you think and how we can improve by clicking here. After level 6, try to prevent her use of Mark of the Assassin, as she can proc it twice using her dashes. Akali will still be hit by AOE abilities while inside her shroud.
What to do with Akali after Level 6?
After level 6, try to prevent her use of Mark of the Assassin, as she can proc it twice using her dashes. Akali will still be hit by AOE abilities while inside her shroud. Picking a stealth reveal champion such as Lee Sin, will make things much harder for Akali as she will not be able to her shroud as freely.
When is the best time to trade with Akali?
Akali needs a lot of energy to go for an all-in or go for a favourable trade. Look to initiate a trade when she is low on energy. Preferably, after she has just used her Q as the ability will be on cooldown, which means she will deal even less damage in a trade.