How can I enable touch pad Scrolling on a Sony Vaio?
How can I enable touch pad Scrolling on a Sony Vaio?
You can enable/disable the touch pad on your VAIO computer. Press and hold down the Fn key and press the F1 key. Each time you press the keys, the touch pad is enabled/disabled.
How do I enable touchpad Scrolling in Windows 7?
How to Turn on Touchpad Scroll
- Click “Start” (or the Windows logo button in Vista and Windows 7) and select “Control Panel.” Select “Classic View” in Vista if not already displayed. Double click “Mouse.”
- Select the “Hardware” tab.
- Click “Virtual Scrolling” in the touchpad properties window.
How do I scroll on my Sony laptop?
To scroll. Slide two fingers up and down on the touch pad to scroll vertically on the screen. Slide two fingers from side to side on the touch pad to scroll horizontally on the screen.
How do I disable the touchpad on my Sony Vaio Windows 7?
How to disable the touchpad when using a USB mouse?
- Turn on the VAIO computer. When the Sony logo appears, press F2.
- Highlight the Advanced option using the arrow keys, select TouchPad/Ext.PS/2 Mouse and press Enter.
- Select the Disable Both option. * The option is set to Simultaneous by default.
- Press Esc twice.
How do I enable touchpad scrolling?
- Open Start menu and go to Settings –> Devices.
- Click Mouse from the left panel. Then from the bottom of the screen click Additional mouse options.
- Click Multi-Finger –> Scrolling and tick the box next to Vertical Scroll. Click Apply –> Ok.
How do I disable Vaio on startup?
In the System Tools folder, click Task Scheduler . In the Task Scheduler window, in the left pane, click Task Scheduler Library . In the middle pane, click VAIO Care . In the right pane, under Actions, click Disable.
Why can’t I scroll with my touchpad Windows 7?
First, make sure that your touchpad is enabled. To enable the touchpad in Windows 7: click Start, then go to Control Panel, then double click on “Mouse”. The touchpad settings are usually on their own tab, perhaps labeled as “Device Settings”, or such. Click that tab, then make sure that the touchpad is enabled.
How do I get my touchpad to scroll again?
Choose Touchpad from the menu in the left side pane. Locate the Scroll and zoom section. Here, make sure that the box next to Drag two fingers to scroll is checked. If the box is empty, simply click on it to enable it.
How do I unlock the scroll lock on my Sony Vaio?
Press Fn and ScrLk at the same time, the Scroll Lock key is enabled (the lock indicator light printed with up and down arrow is on). After the Scroll Lock key is enabled, the direction keys on the keyboard can be used to control the rolling bar of active windows.
Can you disable the ps4 touchpad?
Under Keyboard and Mouse , double-click Built-in Pointing Device . In the Built-in Pointing Device window, click to clear the Enable box. Click the OK button.
Why is my touchpad scroll not working?
To fix the two finger scroll not working in Windows 10, you need to update your touchpad drivers. Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard at the same time to bring up the Run utility. Type in “devmgmt. Right-click on your touchpad, then choose Update driver from the context menu.
How to enable scroll on a Vaio touchpad?
I just found the solution for enabling scroll for VAIO. Click “Start” Go to Control Panel Select “Hardware and Sound” Select mouse (under “Devices and Printers”) Select the “Hardware” tab Double click on “Alps pointing device” Click on “Change Settings” Select the “Driver” tab Update driver. The touchpad driver will be updated.
How do you scroll on a touch pad?
Some touch pads support two-finger scrolling – for that you use two fingers slightly separated anywhereon the touchpad and stroke in the direction you want to scroll. Is it working in some programs and not others? From your question, I gather it’s not working at all – correct?
Why is my touchpad not working on my laptop?
Find the section for the touchpad and then you should have options to enable the touchpad, enable scrolling, set the scrolling region, etc. Once you find it, it’s pretty self-evident how to set it. If you verify that the settings are all correct and it still doesn’t work – you may have a hardware fault. Hope that helps, Yosh
How can I get my touchpad to work?
Click “Start” Go to Control Panel Select “Hardware and Sound” Select mouse (under “Devices and Printers”) Select the “Hardware” tab Double click on “Alps pointing device” Click on “Change Settings” Select the “Driver” tab Update driver. The touchpad driver will be updated. You will need to restart your PC. Scrolling should start working.