
What is kg on a servo?

What is kg on a servo?

Servo motors are rated in kg/cm (kilogram per centimeter), and most hobbyist servo motors are rated at 3 kg/cm, 6 kg/cm, and 12 kg/cm. This rating represents the motor’s torque for a pulley at the radius of 1cm, and it gets weaker as the radius increases.

How do I know what servo to buy?

In general, the bigger and heavier the model, the higher torque your servo should provide. Airplane control surface area and servo arm length are also factors. Speed – A fast or slow servo will alter the ‘feel’ of your model. Fast is good, but using a servo that is too fast can cause a twitchy feel.

Are digital servos better than analog?

The digital servo sends nearly six times the amount of pulses an analog signal does. These faster pulses provide consistent torque for quicker and smoother response times.

What does coreless servo mean?

In a conventional servo, the motor has a steel core armature wrapped in wire that spins inside the magnets. In a coreless design, the armature uses a thin wire mesh that forms a cup that spins around the outside of the magnet eliminating the heavy steel core.

What do servo numbers mean?

This has been standardized in most specifications to 60 degrees. In other words, the time it takes the servo wheel/arm to turn 60° unloaded. The smaller the number, the faster the servo is. For example a 0.12 sec/60° servo rating means it will take 0.12 seconds to rotate the servo arm or wheel 60°.

What is a standard size servo?

A standard size servo is roughly around 40 mm (length) x 38mm (height) x 20mm (width). These are used on lots of 1/10 and 1/8 vehicles. A sub-division of standard sized servos are the special “Low-Profile” servos, which is the same length and width as a standard servo, but with a lower height for use in tight spaces.

How does a servo know its position?

Servos are controlled by sending an electrical pulse of variable width, or pulse width modulation (PWM), through the control wire. The PWM sent to the motor determines position of the shaft, and based on the duration of the pulse sent via the control wire; the rotor will turn to the desired position.

Can a servo rotate 360?

The position of the servo motor is set by the length of a pulse. The end points of the servo can vary and many servos only turn through about 170 degrees. You can also buy ‘continuous’ servos that can rotate through the full 360 degrees.

Are digital and analog servos interchangeable?

The reason is, there really isn’t a difference between digital and analog servos on the outside. Both types of servos contain the same gear train, same 3 wire lead to the Rx, motor, case, and even potentiometer to determine the servos position!

How big of a servo do I need for a RC?

For better or increased performance it is possible to upgrade the servo. – Typically would have in excess of 75in oz. of torque in the standard size case. In many applications it is highly recommended but not required for even smaller, lighter RC’s to have a higher torque servo for steering on a car, buggy or boat.

How much torque does a 20kg servo have?

So in the 20kg.cm example above, if the first hole from the servo shaft center is a 1cm distance, the servo torque is actually 20kg. The last hole on the servo arm is actually 1.4cm away from the center so your torque in this example would be more around 12kg.

How much power does a radio servo have?

The servo operates on the nominal 4.5-6.2v from the receiver. There are many different types of servos where each one serves a different purpose. Servos vary in power, speed, size, and quality.

Which is better a mini servo or a standard servo?

Some mini servos can produce more torque than a standard-size servo; this is especially true when comparing analog servos to digital servos. When it comes to power, the servo’s torque output and the type of gear train that it has is far more important than its size. The function you are asking the servo to do is another consideration.