
How do you unlock extra ops in Peace Walker?

How do you unlock extra ops in Peace Walker?

You can unlock Extra Ops by playing Main Ops. More Extra Ops are unlocked by playing Extra ops. These short missions have you recovering people with the Fulton, shooting enemies as they enter your base and even taking on bosses. Play these to pass time, recover weapons and unlock various things.

How do I unlock extra Op 50 in Peace Walker?


  1. End of chapter 5 > 45 > 46 > 102 > 47 > 48 > 91 > 49 > 75 > 50 for Stealth camo. End of chapter 5 > 113 > 115 > 117 > 119 for Bandanna.
  2. You have to run hrough it as fast as possible, getting a time of under 3 minutes.
  3. A sticky is the topic stuck to the top of the message board tab.

How do you get S rank soldiers in Peace Walker?

S Rank Soldiers: You can find S Rank Mess Hall soldiers in the very beginning of Extra Ops 046. To unlock it, finish the story, which will unlock Extra Ops 045; beating this one will unlock Extra Ops 046. The S Rank guy you’re looking for is going to be the second enemy in the mission.

How many extra ops are in Peace Walker?

128 Extra Ops
There are a total of 128 Extra Ops throughout the game, and you’ll have to finish all of them. Extra Ops 001-068 are more “fun”-oriented missions, whereas the rest are battles against tougher vehicles and AI Weapon variants up until Extra Ops 120.

How do you get the true ending in Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker?

Level 40 or higher R&D team. Make sure your Mother Base is at least upgraded to level 2 (need to complete ~13 Extra Ops missions with R&D at level 40 or higher to get the second platform built). Metal Gear ZEKE must be developed and must have the optional rail gun installed (other optional parts are unnecessary).

How do you get the stealth camo in Peace Walker?

The Stealth Camouflage, or Stealth Camo, is an item that allows the player to become completely invisible until the battery wears out (it can recharge). It is unlocked by obtaining an S rank on Extra Op 50.

How do you increase your support rank mission?

You need to find high ranking Intel members (S, A, B) to put into Intel Team and just do missions while waiting. Best bet is to start doing Extra Ops 17 until the Mission support starts building.

How old is Paz Peace Walker?

With Cipher’s resources, Pacifica adopted the identity of “Paz Ortega Andrade” (the name Paz meaning “Peace” in Spanish), a 16-year-old Costa Rican high school student who cherished peace and was studying the nation’s Peace Constitution under the guidance of professor Ramón Gálvez Mena of the yet-to-be-sanctioned …

What does psyche do in MGS Peace Walker?

Psyche damage in Peace Walker generally consists of taking hits from weapons whose primary/secondary effects impair awareness, such as Stun Grenades, tranquilizer rounds, or shockwaves.

How many main missions are in Peace Walker?

The Main Ops is where the story missions will commence while the Extras gives gamers a chance to play cooperatively with other people. There are a total of five chapters and 33 missions.

How do you get the bandana in Peace Walker?

The in-game description is: “Special bandana that supplies an infinite amount of ammo when equipped.” It will also make suppressors last forever. To acquire the Design Specs, complete Extra Ops 119 (Peace Walker Custom) in 22 minutes or less.

What are the extra ops in Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker?

After beating Mission 26 — Peace Walker Battle 3, this is the order you unlock the remaining Extra Ops missions: Unlock and Clear Extra Op 118 for the next Extra Op (below) / AND complete Metal Gear ZEKE, find Zadornov in 001 (after call from Kaz) and defeat ZEKE to see the “real ending.” Missions 121 to 128 are Monster Hunter Missions.

How to unlock extra ops in Metal Gear Solid?

Unlock and Clear Extra Op 118 for the next Extra Op (below) / AND complete Metal Gear ZEKE, find Zadornov in 001 (after call from Kaz) and defeat ZEKE to see the “real ending.” Missions 121 to 128 are Monster Hunter Missions. Unlock them by watching how here . Was this guide helpful?

How many extra ops are there in Peace Walker?

113, 115, 117, 119, 68 : Complete Extra Op 119 (Peace Walker Custom) to unlock Extra Op 68: Date with Kaz (Complete 119 with S-rank to unlock Infinity Bandana ). 17, 29, 121-128 Monster Hunter missions.

How to date Paz in Metal Gear Solid?

To date Paz, you must unlock Extra Ops 67.In the Entry Gate equip this following: Then, change your Co-ops Comm. with greetings (polite greetings) or something nice words in “ETC” section. In your outfit, you must not be “naked” because Paz will run away and you can’t finish the mission.