
What does a DEA analyst do?

What does a DEA analyst do?

DEA intelligence analysts synthesize information on illicit drug trafficking from a variety of sources, including DEA investigations, seized documents, surveillance reports, informants, confidential sources, and court- ordered wiretaps.

How much do DEA intelligence analysts make?

To reflect the superior credentials, intelligence specialists join the Drug Enforcement Administration at the GS-9 pay grade, which offers salaries from $51,630 to $67,114 per year. These analysts may end their careers with a GS-13 pay grad, which tops out at $92,592 in salary at its highest step.

How much does a DEA intelligence research specialist make?

Drug Enforcement Administration Intelligence Research Specialists earn $90,000 annually, or $43 per hour, which is 34% higher than the national average for all Intelligence Research Specialists at $64,000 annually and 31% higher than the national salary average for ​all working Americans.

How do I become an intelligence research specialist?

How to Become an Intelligence Research Specialist

  1. Be a U.S. citizen.
  2. Possess a valid state driver’s license.
  3. Resided in the United States for the three years prior to hiring.
  4. Pass a comprehensive background check, polygraph test and qualify for Top Secret clearance.
  5. Pass a drug test.
  6. Willingness to travel.

Is it hard to get into the DEA?

The work of a DEA agent is challenging and dangerous but also rewarding. Entrance requirements for acceptance into the DEA agent training program are numerous and rigorous. The application process encompasses several phases, is very competitive and can take up to 1 year to complete.

How do you tell if DEA is watching you?

Confirming Physical Surveillance

  1. a person being somewhere he has no purpose being or for doing something he has no reason to be doing (blatant poor demeanor) or something more subtle.
  2. moving when the target moves.
  3. communicating when the target moves.
  4. avoiding eye contact with the target.
  5. making sudden turns or stops.

What pays more FBI CIA?

Salaries. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has 656 more total submitted salaries than CIA.

Do DEA agents make good money?

DEA agent salaries include Criminal Investigator base pay plus a locality payment, depending on where you work. After four years of service, DEA Special Agents are eligible to progress to the GS-13 level and can earn approximately $92,592 or more per year.

How do I become a crime statistics analyst?

Most crime analyst jobs require a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or a related field. For some entry-level positions you may only need an associate degree. In your studies, you should focus on statistics, sociology, and data analysis to gain necessary skills for this career.

What is a DEA Diversion Investigator?

Diversion Investigators enforce the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and the Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act (CDTA) regarding the manufacture, distribution and dispensing of legally produced controlled substances and listed chemicals in order to prevent diversion of controlled substances and listed chemicals into …

What are the skills needed to be an intelligence researcher?

You’ll need: a good aptitude for analysis, a naturally enquiring mind and excellent problem-solving skills. the ability to work as part of a team. good report-drafting skills, with consistent attention to detail as reports will be written for readers in the highest levels of government.

What degree is best for DEA?

A bachelor’s degree is required for DEA applicants and special consideration is given to those applicants who have degrees in criminal justice, police science, or related fields. Degrees in finance, accounting, economics, and foreign language also receive special consideration.

What’s the job description for a DEA intelligence specialist?

DEA Intelligence Research Specialist Job Description. Intelligence research specialist jobs with the DEA involve the following competencies: Gather intelligence from documents, wiretaps, informants and other sources. Analyze a variety of intelligence reports for accuracy and reliability.

What are the duties of an intelligence research specialist?

Intelligence research specialist jobs with the DEA involve the following competencies: Gather intelligence from documents, wiretaps, informants and other sources. Analyze a variety of intelligence reports for accuracy and reliability. Produce recommendations to agency directors and policy makers. Inform special agents about criminal activities.

What is the role of the DEA in law enforcement?

Since its establishment in 1973, the DEA, in coordination with other federal, state, local, and foreign law enforcement organizations has been responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of drug-related intelligence. The role of intelligence in drug law enforcement is critical.

How does the US Drug Enforcement Administration work?

Using a vast arsenal of information systems, electronic surveillance, and human intelligence assets, the Drug Enforcement Administration identifies, analyzes and dismantles narcotics manufacturing and trafficking networks as well as illicit prescription drug distribution.