
What is the exact genus and species of a wolf?

What is the exact genus and species of a wolf?


Wolf Temporal range: Middle Pleistocene–present (810,000–0 years BP)
Genus: Canis
Species: C. lupus
Binomial name
Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758

Are dogs and wolves the same genus?

Domestic dogs and wolves are part of a large taxonomic family called Canidae, which also includes coyotes, foxes and jackals, according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). Members of this family are called canids. Domestic dogs are a subspecies called Canis lupus familiaris.

What is the genus of a dog?


What species is a wolf in?

Wolf, any of two species of wild doglike carnivores. The gray, or timber, wolf (Canis lupus) is the better known. It is the largest nondomestic member of the dog family (Canidae) and inhabits vast areas of the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the scientific name for the Wolf?

Scientific Name And Classification – Wolf The scientific name for a wolf is canis lupis. The first word in the scientific name Canis is the genus (…which is sort of like the family, but less broad…), and Lupus is the species. Lupus is the Latin word for wolf and canis is the Latin word for dog.

What are the names of wolves, coyotes and dogs?

The genus Canis includes wolves, coyotes, jackals, and the domestic dogs. In the midwestern U.S. at least three members of the genus are found in sites that date from the last Ice Age. These three members are the dire wolf ( Canis dirus ), the gray wolf ( Canis lupus ) and the coyote ( Canis latrans ).

Are there different types of wolves in the world?

Types of Wolves. There are two widely recognized species of wolves in the world, the red and the gray. However, there is debate over how many species of wolf exist and if there are different subspecies of the gray wolf. Additionally, there is a little-known canid, which lives in the Ethiopian highlands called Canis simensis

How big is a dire wolf compared to a human?

Size comparison with a human. The dire wolf is the largest species of the genus Canis known to have existed. Its shape and proportions were similar to those of two modern North American wolves: the Yukon wolf (Canis lupus pambasileus) and the Northwestern wolf (Canis lupus occidentalis).