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What is a tractor beam in Star Trek?

What is a tractor beam in Star Trek?

Graviton force beam used by starships to manipulate objects outside the ship. Tractors are commonly used for towing other vessels and guiding shuttlecraft through landing and launches.

How do tractor beams work in Star Trek?

In Star Trek, tractor beams are imagined to work by placing a target in the focus of a subspace/graviton interference pattern created by two beams from an emitter. When the beams are manipulated correctly the target is drawn along with the interference pattern.

Is a tractor beam possible?

A laser can act as a “tractor beam”, drawing small objects back toward the laser’s source, scientists have said. If such a Bessel beam were to encounter an object not head-on but at a glancing angle, the backward force can be stimulated. …

Where does the term tractor beam come from?

The term “tractor beam” was reportedly coined by the early American science fiction author E.E. Smith in his novel Spacehounds of IPC, which was serialised in the magazine Amazing Stories in 1931. Tractor beams are used frequently in Star Trek, including in the original 1960s television series.

Does the Millennium Falcon have a tractor beam?

A tractor beam was a projected force field used by spaceports, planetary bases, space stations, and starships to effectively grasp and guide vessels to a safe designated landing. The first Death Star was equipped with 768 tractor-beam generators, enabling it to constrain ships such as the Millennium Falcon with ease.

Did the enterprise have a tractor beam?

The tractor beam has gotten the Enterprise and its crew out of a lot of tight jams. Typically used to push and pull objects outside the ship the tractor beam has also been used to tow ships in need of help and even push the ship away from danger.

What does tractor beam do in Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga?

Tractor Beam is an extra in the Lego Star Wars games. When turned on, in vehicle missions, all enemies that get too close to you will be sucked up behind you by a beam, where they will be vulnerable to shoot at.

What does the tractor beam red brick do?

How do you self destruct in Lego Star Wars?

Self Destruct is an extra in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, and Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. When turned on, if you are any droid in the game and press Z, or Y, you will blow up.

How does a tractor beam work in space?

A tractor beam or stabilizing beam was an attenuated linear graviton beam used by starships and space stations to control the movement of external objects. The tractor beam placed spatial stresses on the object in specific areas, allowing it to hold the “tractored” object in a fixed location or alter its position and/or trajectory.

When was the tractor beam first used in Star Trek?

Before the development of the tractor beam, Earth starships such as Enterprise NX-01 instead used the more primitive grapplers. Other species like Vulcans, Klingons, and Malurians already used tractor beams by the mid-22nd century. ( Star Trek: Enterprise; ENT: ” Breaking the Ice “, ” Civilization “)

Where is the tractor beam on a Federation ship?

Most Federation vessels were equipped with a tractor beam emitter on the aft ventral hull, as it was the best location for towing objects. Secondary emitters were also placed in other locations. Smaller emitters were installed within shuttlebays to assist in docking and landing maneuvers.

Where do you get tractor beams in the Simpsons?

Star Control 2: ships of Chmmr are equipped with tractor beams that work on practically infinite range. The Simpsons Game, in the “Invasion of the Yokel Snatchers” level. In Sword of the Stars you are able to equip your ships with tractor beams. The Simpsons: Hit & Run features a tractor beam throughout level 7.