How much does clear cut land cost?
How much does clear cut land cost?
Land Clearing Cost The average cost to clear land to build a house is between $1,150 and $3,680. Land clearing cost per acre ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 on lightly wooded lots and between $3,790 to $6,710 for a heavily wooded area.
How much is timberland worth in Alabama?
Alabama’s average timberland values for hardwood and mixed woodland (land and trees) were $2,129 and $2,203 per acre, respectively, or about $822 and $789 per acre greater than cutover hardwood and mixed woodland (land only, clear-cut).
How do I find land for sale?
When looking for land for sale listed on the market, commercial real estate professionals and investors can choose from a number of online listings platforms….Land for Sale Listings
- LoopNet.
- Land And Farm.
- LandWatch.
- LandSearch.
- Catylist.
- Craigslist.
- LandLeader.
- CREXi.
How long does it take to clear 1 acre of land?
approximately two and a half hours
How long does it take to clear an acre of land? As a general rule, a professional takes approximately two and a half hours to clear an acre of land. They might take longer for very heavily wood sites, sites with low-lying wet areas, or if there are other obstructions (such as outbuildings or homes).
What is an acre of land worth in Alabama?
For Alabama, the average value was $12,356 an acre, making it the 23rd most expensive state. You can compare that to the cheapest states, Wyoming ($1,558 an acre), New Mexico ($1,931), and Nevada ($2,116.)
Is Timberland a good investment?
One of the unique benefits of investing in timberland is that it’s an asset that you can enjoy and own at the same time. Now, owning timberland is a popular investment strategy that has proven to be safer and less volatile than stocks and serves as a great way to diversify an investment portfolio.
How many acres can you clear in a day?
Q: How many acres can you clear in a day? A: This can be an extremely difficult question to answer but as a general rule of thumb . 75-1.25 acres per ten hour day if operating on flat land with our smallest unit and conducting clear cutting operations.
Where is the cheapest land in Alabama?
Limestone County
In Alabama, the cheapest place to buy land was Limestone County in North Alabama. The average lot size there is 79,120 square feet with average price per square feet at 38 cents.
Where can I find undeveloped land in Alabama?
Current commercial applications for commercial property for sale in Alabama include for hunting, fishing, commercial and agriculture use. Browse all Alabama undeveloped land and other rural property for sale on Land And Farm to find your next commercial property or land investment.
What’s the average price of land in Alabama?
The average price of rural properties and land for sale here is $343,484. Browse LandWatch’s Alabama land for sale page to discover more land listings and ranches for sale throughout the Camellia State.
How big is the secluded land in Alabama?
50+- acres of prime land for raising cattle or horses and 37+- acres of mature hardwoods and pines. The property has Tifton Bermuda grass planted, and the entire property is fenced with 4-5 strand barb wire fence with T-Post every 12 feet. There are two entrances into the property from Tung Oil Rd…
Where can I find Alabama hunting land for sale?
N O W A V A I L A B L E: C h a n c e s a r e t h a t i f y o u a r e f r o m A l a b a m a o r t h e S o u t h e a s t, y o u ‘ v e h e a r d o f S e d g e f i e l d T h i s n e w T L C o f f e r i n g i s l o c a t e d o n t h e T o m b i g b e e R i v e r i n S u m t e r C o u n t y n e a r t h e B e l m o n t C o m m u n i t y.