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What is a GRP valley?

What is a GRP valley?

All our valley troughs are made from glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), an excellent alternative to lead. Open valley troughs have been designed as an alternative to traditional lead troughs, a safe and efficient way to collect rainwater run-off. They provide a weatherproof drainage channel where cut tiles meet.

What is a dry roof valley?

Redland Dry Valley is a valley product designed for tiled pitched roofs and is manufactured from glass- fibre/polyester laminates in a continuous process to two profiles: The Dry Valleys are designed to fit directly onto either existing or new valley support boards.

How thick should valley boards be?

12mm thick
Valley Board Construction Where they are inset, they should be a minimum of 12mm thick and supported on bearers of 50 x 25mm or similar and set at a depth to suit the thickness of the Valley Board.

How do you seal a valley roof?

Apply a bead of roofing cement around the outer edge of the patch slide the patch under the shingles on one side and then the other. Put more roofing cement on the top and bottom of the patch where it lays over the original valley piece. Smooth the cement so water can flow uninterrupted down the valley.

What size should valley boards be?

The width of the valley boards should extend by a minimum of 50mm beyond the edge of the Dry Valley. For overlaid boards on rafter spacings above 450mm, it is recommended that support noggins of 75 x 50mm are fixed under the outer edge of the valley board between the rafters.

Is the 125 GRP Valley a good roofing material?

Designed as a cost-effective alternative to lead, the 125 GRP Valley is easy to fix, durable and lightweight. It is ideal for most types of roof design which have a valley junction between two roof slopes.

What to do with GRP Valley in Redland?

Lay the GRP Valley on timber support boards, laid between rafters on noggins. At ridge/valley intersections, a lead or Wakaflex Rapid Flashing saddle is required. At the eaves, cut the GRP Valley to a ‘V’ to allow water to flow into gutters. The fascia board will require cutting to suit.

How to make an appointment with Valley Medical Group?

Valley Medical Group providers are now seeing patients online with telemedicine visits. Have a virtual visit from home on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Book an appointment with a VMG provider now by calling 1-800-VALLEY 1 ( 1-800-825-5391 ).
