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How many words can you make out of cop out?

How many words can you make out of cop out?

Total Number of words made out of Cop = 2 Cop is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 9 points. Cop is a 3 letter short Word starting with C and ending with P. Below are Total 2 words made out of this word.

What word ends in out?

5-letter words that end in out

  • about.
  • shout.
  • scout.
  • trout.
  • stout.
  • clout.
  • spout.
  • snout.

What is the meaning of the phrase cop out?

Cop-out has come to mean an evasion, an escape from facing up to something, but like many slang words it has an untidy history. It first appeared some 500 years ago in the Scots phrase “play cop out” where cop was equivalent to cup, meaning “playing empty the cup” or, frankly, boozing.

What words can be made from goodbye?

Words that can be made with goodbye

  • bogey.
  • boody.
  • booed.
  • boogy.
  • dogey.
  • goody.
  • gooey.
  • gybed.

What is Endup?

: to reach or come to a place, condition, or situation that was not planned or expected The book ended up in the trash. He didn’t want to end up like his father. She ended up a rich woman. He ended up (living) in a nursing home.

What words have out in them?

10 letter words containing out

  • throughout.
  • outfielder.
  • outrageous.
  • outpatient.
  • outperform.
  • roundabout.
  • southbound.
  • outlandish.

What is a cop out ending?

A cop out is when a story builds to a certain climax and the writer suddenly wusses out and chooses a different, less ambitious or less satisfying ending, or worse, chooses not to end the story at all.

How do you say goodbye message?

General Saying Goodbye Quotes

  1. “They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.” –
  2. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” –
  3. “Farewell!
  4. “It is so hard to leave—until you leave.
  5. “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” –

How many words can you make from culture?

48 words can be made from the letters in the word culture.

How do you use end up in sentences?

End-up sentence example

  1. I always end up running back to Father.
  2. How did they end up here?
  3. I can’t promise I won’t end up on your doorstep before then.
  4. I don’t want to end up working for the government.
  5. And how did I end up with you?
  6. Or I’ll end up in the cell beside you.
  7. Would she end up at the bottom of the sea?

Will end up or would end up?

If someone or something ends up somewhere, they eventually arrive there, usually by accident. If you end up doing something or end up in a particular state, you do that thing or get into that state even though you did not originally intend to.

What does cop out mean in a sentence?

an act or instance of copping out; reneging; evasion: The governor’s platform was a cop-out. a person who cops out: Everyone helped as they had promised, except for one cop-out. Think you remember last week’s words? Take this quiz on the Words of the Day from April 6–12 to find out! a person who dances professionally, as on the stage.

Which is the best definition of copping out?

1 : the act or an instance of copping out 2 : an excuse or means for copping out : pretext 3 : a person who cops out

Is the minute it got tough, he copped out?

[informal, disapproval] The minute it got tough, he copped out. [VERB PARTICLE] To decline to vote is a cop-out. The film’s ending is an unsatisfactory cop-out. To decline to vote is a cop-out. The film’s ending is an unsatisfactory cop-out.

What are 8 letter words that end in out?

8-letter words that end in out. standout. blackout. knockout. checkout. breakout. shakeout. closeout.