
Where do I pick up my JAC card JMU?

Where do I pick up my JAC card JMU?

The JACard is your official JMU identification card and your passport to most services on campus. Where do I get my JACard? The Card Services Office is located on the second floor of the Student Success Center.

How do I put money on my JAC card JMU?

Add money at any time by:

  1. The web using the Online Account Access link.
  2. Phone by calling: 540-568-6446.
  3. Fax by faxing form to: 540-568-1749.
  4. Mail by mailing to:
  5. Coming to Card Services Customer Window located in the Student Success Building 2nd Floor.

How do I get a new JACard JMU?

JACard (James Madison University Access Card) may be obtained at Card Services located on the Second Floor of the Student Success Center. Our office hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. You will need to bring an official ID such as a driver’s license, military ID, passport, etc.

What is a JA card?

The JACard is your official All-in-One identification card for James Madison University. The JACard is used to access your meal plan and declining balance accounts (Dining Dollars, Dining Dollars Gold, and FLEX). The JACard also functions as your building access key and bus pass.

Where do I pick up mail at JMU?

Harrisonburg Post Office
JMU Mail Services picks up mail from the Harrisonburg Post Office each morning. The mail is then sorted for delivery and delivered the same day it is received. We also pick up mail in the afternoon for delivery by the next day.

What time does SSC close JMU?

Student Success Center Hours of Operation

Summer Hours 2021
Monday-Thursday 8am-11pm
Friday 8am-9pm
Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 10am-11pm

How much is deposit for JMU?

Freshman Student

Charge Description In-State Amount Out-of-State Amount
Internet Connection Fee $120 $120
Meal Plan (14 Punch $275 DD) $2,755 $2,755
Orientation Fee $180 $180
Less: Admission Deposit ($400) ($400)

Does Flex roll over JMU?

Does the balance carry over from year to year? Yes, your FLEX account stays active from year to year until you separate from JMU. For up-to-date locations, visit our website at JMU Card Services.

How do I put money on my JACard?

Input the JACard number of the person you wish to deposit funds to. Then select which plan you would like to deposit funds to (FLEX or Dining Dollars Gold) by clicking the drop down box next to “Plan”. 5. Choose the amount you would like to deposit and complete the rest of the fields.

Where can you use dining dollars at JMU?

Dining Dollars are included with your meal plan. They can be used at all on-campus locations, including national brands, convenience stores and vending machines.

How do I find my JMU student ID?

To locate your ID number: Log into MyMadison at https://mymadison.jmu.edu. Click on the Applicant tab. In the middle of the window under “Personal Information” you will see your 9 digit student ID number.

How much is JMU tuition?

Local tuition 12,206 USD, Domestic tuition 29,106 USD (2019 – 20)
James Madison University/Undergraduate tuition and fees

Where is the card services office at JMU?

Card Services is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Success Center. Our normal office hours are 8:00am – 5:00pm Monday through Friday. Summer office hours (during the months of May through August) are Monday – Thursday, 8:00am – 5:00pm, Fridays, 8:00am – 12:00pm. Questions and comments can be emailed to [email protected] or you may call…

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Do you need LiveSafe app for JMU mail?

Students are required to display their LiveSafe app when picking up packages at the JMU Post Office. This applies to weather related closings and Holidays.

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