
How are inmates executed in Indonesia?

How are inmates executed in Indonesia?

Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Indonesia. Although the death penalty is enforced only sometimes in grave cases of premeditated murder, it is regularly applied to some drug traffickers. Executions are carried out by firing squad.

Did the Bali 9 get executed?

In April 2005, nine Australians – the “Bali Nine” – were convicted for attempting to smuggle 8.3 kg (18 lb) of heroin out of Indonesia. Ringleaders Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were sentenced to death and executed on 29 April 2015.

When was the last execution in Indonesia?

Which countries still have the death penalty? Indonesia has observed an unofficial moratorium on the death penalty since it last carried out executions in 2016.

How many of the Bali Nine were executed?

two ringleaders
Renae Lawrence, 41, was freed on Wednesday after spending almost 13 years in prison. She may be the only Bali Nine member ever to be released. The two ringleaders were executed in 2015, sparking a row with Australia.

How does China execute death sentence?

In practice, China traditionally uses the firing squad as its standard method of execution. However in recent years, China has adopted lethal injection as its sole method of execution, though execution by firing squad can still be administered.

What happens if you get caught with drugs in Singapore?

The possession, consumption, manufacturing, import, export, or trafficking of these and other controlled drugs in any amount are illegal. Persons caught with less than the Mandatory Death Penalty amounts of these controlled substances face penalties ranging from caning (up to 24 strokes) to life in prison.

Which of the Bali Nine died?

The Bali Nine ringleaders, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, were executed by firing squad in 2015. Another member of the group, Tan Duc Thanh Nguyen, died of cancer while serving a life term. The other five – Su Yi Chen, Michael Czugaj, Matthew Norman, Scott Rush and Martin Stephens – are all serving life terms.

Is Scott Rush still in jail?

On 10 May 2011, a judicial review of Rush’s sentence via appeal to the Indonesian Supreme Court resulted in a reduction of his sentence to life imprisonment. Since then he has continued to serve his sentence in an Indonesian prison.

What country has the most executions?

Countries with the Most Confirmed Executions in 2018

Country Number
Iran 253+
Saudi Arabia 149
Vietnam 85+
Iraq 52+

How do they execute in Thailand?

Thailand retains the death penalty, but carries it out only sporadically. Since 1935, Thailand has executed 326 people, 319 by shooting (the latest on 11 December 2003), and 7 by lethal injection (the latest on 18 June 2018). As of March 2018, 510 people are on death row.

Does Russia have death penalty?

Capital punishment is not allowed in Russia due to a moratorium, and death sentences have not been carried out since August 2, 1996.

Which country executes the most?

Countries with the Most Confirmed Executions in 2019

Country Number
Iran 251+
Saudi Arabia 184
Iraq 100+
Egypt 32+