
What is mean by distinguishing?

What is mean by distinguishing?

transitive verb. 1 : to perceive a difference in : mentally separate so alike they could not be distinguished. 2a : to mark as separate or different a policy that distinguishes him from other candidates. b : to separate into kinds, classes, or categories distinguish words by their part of speech.

Does the word distinguish mean?

To distinguish means to tell apart. If you win the lottery, you’re going to need to learn to distinguish between people who really like you and people who like your money. To distinguish is to discern, which means to perceive or recognize the way something differs from what’s around it.

What does very distinguished mean?

adjective. If you describe someone as distinguished, you mean that they look very noble and respectable. His suit was immaculately cut and he looked very distinguished. Synonyms: marked, striking, signal, extraordinary More Synonyms of distinguished.

What does distinguish mean synonym?

differentiate, tell apart, discriminate, discern, determine, pick out. tell the difference between, decide between, draw a distinction between, make a distinction between. 2’he was able to distinguish the shapes of the trees in the dark’

How do you read distinguishing?

Distinguish means unique, whereas differentiate means difference. Example: Dave can’t differentiate between the two sofas. Neither has a distinguishing mark that tells them apart.

What does distinguish yourself mean?

: to do something very well or in a way that deserves special recognition She has distinguished herself as a leader in the community. He distinguished himself in the war.

What are distinguishing features?

A distinguishing mark or feature is one that makes someone or something different from similar people or things: The main distinguishing feature of the new car is its fast acceleration.

How do you use distinguish in a sentence?

Distinguishing sentence example

  1. After distinguishing himself at school in history and philosophy, he turned to the study of science.
  2. Some people just put more effort into distinguishing right from wrong than others.
  3. And before long nobility won for itself a distinguishing outward badge.

Is distinguished from means?

: rather than : and not The law affects private property as distinguished from public property.

What is opposite word of distinguish?

distinguish. Antonyms: miss, overlook, confound, confuse. Synonyms: discern, descry, perceive, characterize, make famous, know, discriminate, see, discover, separate, divide, dissimilate, differentiate.

Is differentiate between correct?

To differentiate is to show or find the difference between things which are compared. It simply means that they are not the same, but doesn’t qualify them as being unique and possibly not related. Distinguish means unique, whereas differentiate means difference. Example: Dave can’t differentiate between the two sofas.

What is a distinguished man?

dĭ-stĭnggwĭsht. The definition of distinguished is an important, dignified, classy person. An example of a distinguished man is the character “Big” from Sex and the City or a movie actor like Cary Grant. adjective.

What does distinguishing mean?

• DISTINGUISHING (adjective) The adjective DISTINGUISHING has 1 sense: 1. serving to distinguish or identify a species or group. Familiarity information: DISTINGUISHING used as an adjective is very rare.

What is the definition of distinguishing?

English Language Learners Definition of distinguish. : to notice or recognize a difference between people or things. : to make (someone or something) different or special in some way. : to see or hear (someone or something) clearly.

What does distinguish mean?

The definition of distinguish is to recognize differences, or to be identified as a characteristic of something, or to earn a position of status or high esteem. When you can tell the difference between white and yellow, this is an example of when you distinguish.

What is another word for distinguishing?

Another word for distinguished word list. Below are a number of words whose meaning is similar to distinguished. celebrated. conspicuous. eminent. extraordinary. famous. illustrious.