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What does Sharty bae mean?

What does Sharty bae mean?

Shawty, shorty, or shortie is an American slang used as a term of endearment but also frequently heard as a catcall. After the 1990s, the term has largely referred to a young and attractive woman.

What is bae in Danish?

The word “bae,” which is usually used to describe someone who comes “before anyone else,” has a very different meaning in Danish. It means poop. To add insult to injury, it means “bye” in Icelandic. Apropos, no?

What if a girl calls you shawty?

This term is typically used as a nickname Shawty is a slang version of the word “shorty” and is typically used to refer to an attractive woman.

What does Shawty bad mean?

It is usually used in reference to African American women and/or to the wives and girlfriends of African American men. The term is commonly used in rap and hip hop songs. Shawty bad (bad), pop her like a cork (pop it. Definition: “Pop it” refers to a dance move and/or sex. “Pop it” refers to a dance move and/or sex.

What is the Danish word for poop?

The moment I discovered (first on Urban Dictionary, but it checks out) that “bae” is, in fact, Danish for “poop,” I felt as if a light had been kindled somewhere deep within me.

What does it mean to call someone BAE?

Using the word ” bae ” means you want to irritate someone by saying it. If you were dating them you woulnt call them bae you say babe. Using bae is used to annoy or irritate somebody. Stupid Friend: “Hey Bae whats up ?”

What does Woke Bae mean in Urban Dictionary?

woke bae. A woke bae is a boyfriend or (usually male) significant other who is progressive and enlightened in general.

What does Salt Bae mean in Urban Dictionary?

Get the salt bae neck gaiter and mug. The way food or drinks feels in your mouth. Ice cream with pieces has a poor mouthfeel. Get the Mouthfeel neck gaiter and mug. The movement of putting ejaculate on your hand, bending you elbow with you hand upwards and sprinkling it down your once innocent forearm.

What does it mean to be a rave BAE?

Rave baes are usually harmless and plur-friendly, but an encounter with the occasional crazy rave bae is not uncommon. A guy/girl you meet at a rave that acts like a S/O until the end of the night and is never to be seen again after the rave is over.