Useful tips

How do you break in gears on a Jeep?

How do you break in gears on a Jeep?

When towing for the first time, drive for a very short distances (less than 15 miles) with the full load and stop. Let the differential cool for about 20 minutes before proceeding. Repeat this procedure two more times (45 miles total) to fully break in the gears. Change the oil after the first 500 miles.

Do you have to break in new ring and pinion gears?

ALL new ring & pinion gear sets must be properly broken in to prevent damage & premature failure. Improper gear break-in procedures may cause overloading and overheating of the ring and pinion gears as well as break down of the gear oil.

How long does it take to break in a new differential?

On initial run, drive lightly for 15 to 20 minutes then stop to allow differential to cool completely for 20 to 25 minutes. Avoid towing and heavy acceleration, as well as vary speeds every 5 to 10 minutes while driving on highways.

How long does it take to break in new rear end gears?

At Currie, we recommend the initial break-in to start by driving normally for 15-20 minutes (no bun outs, hard starts, or highway driving), then letting the vehicle rest for 30-minutes, never going over 50 miles without letting it cool. Towing and high speeds should also be avoided until after break-in (300-500 miles).

How do you break in a new rear end?

New Gear Break-In Procedure

  1. After light use for the first 15-20 miles, stop and let the differential cool before proceeding any further. Repeat this process two or three times.
  2. Avoid heavy acceleration and don’t do any towing during the first 500 miles.
  3. We highly recommend changing the oil after the first 500 miles.

What causes a pinion gear to break?

Possible Cause #2: Worn carrier or pinion bearings can create excessive play between the gears and produce an uneven wear pattern or chipping teeth. If this setting is not correct, it may cause overheating or damage to the gears. Possible Cause #4: Improper break-in will lead to premature wear.

How long does it take to break-in new rear end gears?

How do you break-in a new rear end?

How do you break in a rear end?

How much is it to replace a rear differential?

A typical rear differential repair costs anywhere between $200 and $400. These typical repairs would include your bearing, seals, and fluid changes. Of course, when a gear change is required, that’s when things get pricey. $1,500 is just the minimum you can expect to pay for new gears.

How long does it take to change rear end gears?

A complete rear differential replacement includes replacing the housing, gears, bearings, and seals. The average time it takes a certified mechanic to perform a differential rebuild at a shop is usually three to five hours. A rebuild on a commercial vehicle by someone without prior experience could take much longer.

What happens if you break in a new gear set?


What’s the proper ring and pinion gear break in procedure?

Ring & Pinion Gear Break-In Procedure ALL new ring & pinion gear sets must be properly broken in to prevent damage & premature failure. Improper gear break-in procedures may cause overloading and overheating of the ring and pinion gears as well as break down of the gear oil.

When to change the oil after a gear break in?

• Avoid towing and heavy acceleration, as well as vary speeds every 5 to 10 minutes while driving on highways. • Drive conservatively and do not drive more than 50 miles at a time without allowing a cool cycle during the first 500 miles following installation. • After completing initial break-in, change gear oil at 500 miles.