Is Azula stronger than Toph?
Is Azula stronger than Toph?
In ATLA, Toph is the most powerful earthbender and Azula is arguably the most powerful firebender.
Is Zuko or Sokka better?
Sokka is clearly a better character than Zuko if you’re looking at things like morality and heroicness. While Zuko does redeem himself, Sokka was always fighting the good fight. He always wanted to stop suffering in the world and help those who needed it.
What episode does Aang fight Azula and Zuko?
Book 2, Episode 8: “The Chase” When they split up, we get an amazing and revealing three-way fight between Aang, Azula and Zuko. Iroh and Toph exchange wisdom, and pain is felt when Azula nearly kills Iroh.
Could Zuko beat Azula if she was sane?
Zuko at the end of the series is a great firebender and a better person, but he’s never on Azula’s level as a fighter. Zuko didn’t even beat her while she WAS insane, Katara did. In every other fight with “sane” Azula, he was defeated or saved by Iroh/the Gaang. Azula wins 9/10.
Who is stronger Aang or Azula?
Once he had mastered all four elements, Aang’s power eclipsed that of Fire Lord Ozai’s even in the midst of Sozin’s Comet. Considering that Azula regards her father as a superior fighter than herself. This entails that the Avatar should be able to best her with little difficulty.
Who is stronger IROH vs Ozai?
Since one of the central themes of Avatar: The Last Airbender is the importance of harmony not only within the elements but within yourself, Iroh therefore is the stronger firebender of the two due to his acceptance of all forms of bending.
Did Piandao teach Zuko?
Piandao was considered the greatest swordmaster and maker in Fire Nation history and taught both Zuko and Sokka in the art of swordsmanship.
Who is the better swordsman Zuko or Sokka?
Zuko is definitely more disciplined and trained then Sokka. (He’s so hot) Zuko has been using his swords on screen since he was the Blue Spirit. He even had a set of dual swords in the bellow quarters of his ship.
Who is stronger Todoroki or Zuko?
It is heavily implied and even stated by Bakugo that Todoroki is better than him. Wiz: While Zuko certainly had more control over fire, Todoroki could easily repel his firebending with his own flames.
Who is the weakest Avatar ever?
It’s time to find out with The 15 Most Powerful (And 10 Weakest) Benders In The Avatar Universe, Officially Ranked.
- 1 Most Powerful: Aang.
- 2 Weakest: New Airbenders.
- 3 Most Powerful: Korra.
- 4 Weakest: The Boulder.
- 5 Most Powerful: Iroh.
- 6 Most Powerful: Azula.
- 7 Weakest: Yon Rha.
- 8 Most Powerful: Katara.
Which is better Toph or Azula or Katara?
azula´s acrobatic and lightning would be pretty problematic for toph, while zuko can hold himself against azula he should be taken out by katara. on the other hand toph is a good and fast bender
Is it possible for Sokka to hit Aang?
@VictoriaGrey_2010: Absolutely right! Sokka is almost useless in this fight, unless he gets some good strategizing in early, which he has shown a flare for. Toph will have a hard time locating and hitting Aang when he’s in avatar state, as i don’t think he has ever stayed in contact with the ground while all lit up.
Why is Sokka useless in the Avatar fight?
Sokka is almost useless in this fight, unless he gets some good strategizing in early, which he has shown a flare for. Toph will have a hard time locating and hitting Aang when he’s in avatar state, as i don’t think he has ever stayed in contact with the ground while all lit up.
How did Zuko and Sokka capture the warden?
In ‘The Boiling Rock Part 2’, Zuko and Sokka were fighting about how to capture the warden. By the time they were done arguing, Suki had already somersaulted across the prison, passed through several hurdles, and reached the warden. By the time Sokka, Zuko and Hakoda reached there, Suki had already captured him.