
Is there any bus from Chandigarh to Manali?

Is there any bus from Chandigarh to Manali?

Himachal Tourist Volvo Bus Bus Service From Chandigarh to Manali. It takes around 08:31 hours to cover the Chandigarh-Manali route by bus. The first Himachal Tourist Volvo Bus bus on this route is an VOLVO A/C SEMI SLEEPER (2+2) bus that departs at 23:59 and the last bus VOLVO A/C SEMI SLEEPER (2+2) departs at 23:59.

How much time bus takes from Chandigarh to Manali?

Chandigarh to Manali Bus Service

Avg. Bus Duration : 8 hours 13 mins
Buses depart from : Chandigarh
Bus arrives in : Manali
Distance : 296 km
Earliest Bus : 00:00

Is bus service available from Chandigarh to Himachal Pradesh?

The journey from Chandigarh to Mandi(Himachal Pradesh) is smoothly covered by a bus in 9 hours. There are operators running their buses between Chandigarh to Mandi(Himachal Pradesh) bringing necessary travel convenience for several people in India.

Which bus is best from Chandigarh to Manali?

A: Top bus operator on Chandigarh to Manali routes are HRTC, Indo Canadian Tpt, Raj Tours and Travels, Himachal Tourist Volvo Bus, City Land Travels, Laxmi Holidays, Price Travels, and Prabha Tour and Travels etc.

What is the taxi fare from Chandigarh to Manali?

Chandigarh to Manali Taxi Fare

Vehicle Type Oneway Rate * Per KM Rate *
SUV – Xylo / Ertiga / Similar 7019 23
Hatchback – Ritz / Indica / Similar 5332 17
Sedan – Swift Dzire / Toyota Etios / Similar 5390 18

How far is Shimla from Chandigarh?

112 Kms
Distance Between Chandigarh to Shimla

Distance between Chandigarh to Shimla by Road is 112 Kms
Distance between Chandigarh to Shimla by Flight is 56 Kms
Travel Time from Chandigarh to Shimla by Road is 2:25 hrs
Nearest Airport in Chandigarh Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport (30.73, 76.78)

How can I travel from Chandigarh to Himachal Pradesh?

Best Options

  1. 01:55. Chandigarh. 5h 30m bus ride with Laxmi Holidays. 07:25. McLeod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh. From ₹1,154 per adult.
  2. 01:56. Chandigarh. 6h 4m bus ride with Asians Shina Tours and Travels. 08:00. McLeod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh.
  3. 01:55. Chandigarh. 6h bus ride with Laxmi Holidays. 07:55. McLeod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh.

Which is the last bus from Chandigarh to Manali?

It is a volvo bus and fare for this bus is ₹1200. When does the last bus leaves for Manali from Chandigarh? The last bus for Chandigarh to Manali route leaves at 00:29. The ticket price for this volvo bus is ₹1200. What are the boarding points for Chandigarh to Manali Bus service?

Is there a bus from Manali to Manikaran Sahib?

There are a total of 2 buses daily from Manali to Bhuntar. The first one starts at 6:15 in the morning and the other one after noon at 1:12 PM. A daily bus from Manali to Manikaran Sahib starts from Manali bus stand at 9:05 am. This bus travels via Kullu and goes all the way till Manikaran Sahib.

How to book a bus ticket in Chandigarh?

Chandigarh is well linked by road to approximately all the big and small towns in the northern India. Chandigarh Bus booking can be done from the Inter-State Bus Terminus also famous as ISBT that is situated in the Sector 17 or by logging on to Make Mytrip for Chandigarh Online Bus Tickets.

Are there any buses from Shimla to Manali?

There are a total of 3 Volvo buses traveling from Manali to Shimla daily. The first one starts at 6 am, then at 6:20 pm and 10:30 pm in the evening. A total of 3 daily Volvo buses ply on the route between Shimla to Manali. The first one starts at 8 am, then at 10:30 am and the last one at 8:20 pm.