
How to get selected text from textArea in jQuery?

How to get selected text from textArea in jQuery?

value; var indexStart=textArea. selectionStart; var indexEnd=textArea. selectionEnd; alert(text. substring(indexStart, indexEnd)); } getSelectedText(idoftextarea);

How to get selected text from textArea in JavaScript?

The ways to get selected text are shown below:

  1. Example-1: By using window.getSelection property function selection(){ if (window.getSelection) return window.getSelection(); }
  2. Example 2: By using document.getSelection property function selection(){ if (document.getSelection) return document.getSelection(); }

How to get the text in textArea?

We can get the value of textarea in jQuery with the help of val() method . The val() method is used to get the values from the elements such as textarea, input and select. This method simply returns or sets the value attribute of the selected elements and is mostly used with the form elements.

What event occurs when a user highlights text in a text field?

The onselect event occurs after some text has been selected in an element. The onselect event is mostly used on or elements.

What is selectionStart in jQuery?

selectionStart; Why? A jQuery selector does not return the actual DOM elements but the wrapped jQuery collection. jQuery makes the actual DOM elements accessible as an array, so if you wanted to use the 1st matched element (and in this case, the only one, since it’s by ID), you would do the above.

What is Babel in react?

Babel is a JavaScript compiler that includes the ability to compile JSX into regular JavaScript. You’re going to install babel-core slightly differently than you installed react and react-dom . Instead of npm install –save babel-core , you will use the command npm install –save-dev babel-core .

What is E target value in react?

e is the event, which in this case is change , target is the element that triggered the event, which in this case is the input , and value is the value of the input element – Josan Iracheta Aug 10 ’17 at 23:24. 1. I recommend to read quirksmode.org/js/introevents.html . –

What is the best way to apply bold styling to text?

The HTML element defines strong text, with added semantic “strong” importance. You’re nearly there! For a bold text, you should have this: bold text or bold text They have the same result.

How do I make textarea not draggable?

To disable the resize property, use the following CSS property: resize: none;

  1. You can either apply this as an inline style property like so:
  2. or in between element tags like so: textarea { resize: none; }

Which event handler is get notified when user selects the text from textarea?

Event handlers

Event handler Applies to: Triggered when:
onReset Form The user clicks the form’s Reset button.
onResize Window The user resizes the browser window or frame.
onSelect Text, Textarea The user selects text within the field.
onSubmit Form The user clicks the form’s Submit button.

Which event occurs when user clicks submit button?

The submit event fires when the user clicks a submit button ( or ) or presses Enter while editing a field (e.g. ) in a form. The event is not sent to the form when calling the form. submit() method directly.