
Is Frontosa cichlid African?

Is Frontosa cichlid African?

Originating from the deep waters of Lake Tanganyika, Africa, wild-caught specimens are not seen as often as captive-bred specimens in the hobbyist’s aquarium. In their native Africa, Frontosa African Cichlids are considered a delicacy on the table.

What fish can be kept with Frontosa?

The best tank mates for Frontosas are other peaceful African cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. This is mostly because these fish enjoy the same water conditions. Other fish like Malawi cichlids can also make great tank mates though. These fish are piscivorous, which means they feed on smaller fish species in nature.

Is Frontosa fish aggressive?

Although territorial, the Frontosa African Cichlid is generally not aggressive, but rather gentle and tolerant. It does well in a tank with plenty of rocks and caves for hiding and a sandy bottom.

Why is Frontosa expensive?

According to the article that I have read, the reason they’re expensive is because they’re found in deep water, so collecting them would be more difficult than fish found in shallow water. Also some parts of Africa are not accessible to most collectors due to the political situation there.

Which Frontosa is the bluest?

How to keep and feed the Humpheads of Lake Tanganyika. There are two species described: Cyphotilapia frontosa and C. gibberosa.

Can you mix Frontosa cichlids?

It can be kept as an individual show fish, with other Frontosa, or other African Rift Valley Cichlids. Compatibility: The Frontosa Ciclid (Cyphotilapia frontosa) are typically compatible with other African Rift Valley Cichlids (Mbuna, Haplochromis, and Peacock), and Synodontis.

Will Frontosa eat small fish?

Make no mistake, Frontosa Cichlids are predators and are perfectly willing to eat any tank mates small enough to fit, even other cichlids. As long as their neighbors are larger than 3 inches they should be safe. The only real issue is finding fish that can thrive in the same hard water conditions as Frontosas.

Can you put a Frontosa with an Oscar?

A tank raised oscar will do just fine in a wide range of pH and KH values; they’ll almost certainly be fine in whatever water comes out of your tap (of course, with the chlorine removed). The frontosa, likewise, if born and raised in captivity will not be demanding when it comes to water chemistry.

Can Frontosa live with Mbuna?

How big does a Frontosa cichlid get?

C. frontosa can grow to 33 cm (1.1 ft) in length. Even captive specimens potentially grow to this size. It has distinct markings with five to seven black vertical bars adorning a white or blue body and head and trailing fins with a distinct blue hue.

Will frontosa eat small fish?

What size tank do I need for frontosa?

75 gallons
A mature Frontosa Cichlid should be kept in an aquarium of 75 gallons, or more. Unlike many of the African Rift Valley Cichlids, the Frontosa Cichlid has a relatively passive temperament. It can be kept as an individual show fish, with other Frontosa, or other African Rift Valley Cichlids.

Where do frontosa fish live in Lake Tanganyika?

Unlike other cichlid fish which like living in covers and rocks frontosa fish prefers to live in a big colonies along the sandy coasts of the lake. The fish inhabits almost trough all Lake Tanganyika but they always prefer depth about 10-50 meters, which is rather deep in the water.

Where can you find frontosa cichlids in Africa?

Frontosa cichlids are found in Lake Tanganyika in East Africa and is widespread in the northern half of the lake, whereas the closely related C. gibberosa inhabits the southern half of the lake.

What kind of fish is the Cyphotilapia frontosa?

Cyphotilapia frontosa is a slow fish which doesn’t keep it from being Lake Tanganyika queen cichlid and raptorial feeder. In the wild cichlid spends a little energy to stalk its prey. These fish advantage is that they are nocturnal feeders and they don’t need a lot of light.

Can a Malawi fish mate with a Frontosa fish?

The frontosa is a slow fish, making it a slow eater, so one mate for it can be the Malawi fish, but their life will be a stressful one in the tank. In a properly maintained aquarium, the frontosa fish are hardy.