
What is the plot of Reservation Blues?

What is the plot of Reservation Blues?

Reservation Blues is the story of a group of Native Americans in Washington who, led by the reservation outcast and storyteller Thomas Builds-the-Fire and spurred on by the demonic magic of Robert Johnson’s mystical guitar, decide to form a blues band that they name “Coyote Springs.” The novel charts the rise and fall …

What is the theme of Reservation Blues?

Hope, Despair, and the Blues Throughout Alexie’s novel, hope battles with despair in the lives of each member of the band and the reservation as a whole—and the Blues become a way of converting despair into something that can build, rather than destroy, community. Hope survives, barely, in spite of sustained adversity.

What happens at the end of Reservation Blues?

Coyote Springs is gone. Victor wanders around the reservation with the three dogs, while Thomas, Chess, and Checkers prepare to leave for Spokane. Thomas, Chess, and Checkers are determined to escape this cycle, even as the thought of leaving the reservation breaks Thomas’s heart.

What happens during Coyote Springs audition Reservation Blues?

At the competition Coyote Springs wins the $1,000 prize. Thomas appears on a local radio station to talk about the band. Then the band members head back to the reservation, and on the way home Chess convinces Thomas to go to church with her the following day.

What genre is Reservation Blues?

Reservation Blues/Genres

Reservation Blues is a 1995 novel by American writer Sherman Alexie (Spokane-Coeur d’Alene). The novel follows the story of the rise and fall of a rock and blues band of Spokane Indians from the Spokane Reservation.

Who is Big mom in Reservation Blues?

Big Mom was known as a Shaman, who lived on a mountain top above the Spokane Indian reservation in Washington. Throughout the book it is made obvious to the reader that Big Mom is a God like figure. “’Creator help me, I have only a hundred pieces of fry bread to feed two hundred people.

How long does it take to read Reservation Blues?

5 hours and 20 minutes
The average reader will spend 5 hours and 20 minutes reading this book at 250 WPM (words per minute). “Many may remember the tale of Robert Johnson, the musician who sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads in exchange for being the best blues guitarist around.

How many pages does Reservation Blues have?

Reservation Blues

First edition cover
Author Sherman Alexie
Media type Print (Hardcover)
Pages 306
ISBN 978-0-87113-594-0

Who is Robert Johnson Reservation Blues?

A famous blues guitarist who lived from 1911-1938. He died under mysterious circumstances, and legend has it that he made a Faustian bargain with the devil to be the best guitar player of all time.

What does the guitar symbolize in Reservation Blues?

In Reservation Blues, the guitar symbolizes negativity as it brings lust and fear to its’ victims. In the first chapter we meet Robert Johnson who clings onto his magical guitar and is afraid to play any tunes or even sing as he is afraid that the Gentleman will hear him.

What happens in Reservation Blues by Sherman Alexie?

As prepared as they can be, Coyote Springs takes the plane to New York—the first time that any of its members have flown. But when they reach the recording studio and begin to play for the chief executive, Mr. Armstrong, Victor’s guitar suddenly rebels, burning him and bucking out of his hands.

What is the plot of the Reservation Blues?

The novel charts the rise and fall of Coyote Springs, and the individual struggles of each member of the band as they face the systemic suffering of Native American life.

Who are the warm water sisters in Reservation Blues?

The show goes disastrously, since both Victor and Junior get very drunk early on in the performance. At the show Thomas meets the Warm Water sisters, Chess and Checkers. He sings a love song to Chess, and then pulls her onstage for a duet.

Why did checkers attack Victor in Reservation Blues?

The next morning, on-edge after staying up all night and fed up with Victor’s insensitivity, Checkers attacks Victor violently in response to a rude comment about Thomas’s father, Samuel. Thomas intervenes, and gets into a wrestling match with Victor himself.