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Does long term have hyphen?

Does long term have hyphen?

planning for the long-term is smart.” There should be no hyphen, since it’s not used as an adjective. In this case “long” is an adjective and “term” is a noun.

Do you hyphenate short and long term?

Both ‘long term’ and ‘short term’ have an adjectival form where you must include the hyphen to modify a noun (long-term & short-term).

How do you use long term in a sentence?

Long-term sentence example

  1. Martha was unable to get by her natural compassion of the moment and look at a long term goal.
  2. I’ve spent a lifetime looking at long term implications.
  3. The long-term prognosis looked good and arrangements made for a friend to stay with her during her convalescence.

Is long term 1 or 2 words?

Long-term with a hyphen, as in long-term disability, is the correct form. The confusion probably comes from the fact that a similar adjective, longtime, is now widely accepted in dictionaries and stylebooks as hyphenless. That isn’t the case with long-term, though, at least in the short-term.

How long is long term use?

Addiction treatment is typically considered “long-term” if it lasts more than 120 days. Most long-term programs consist of a planned stay of six to 12 months.

What is considered long term?

A term is a period of duration, time or occurrence, in relation to an event. In finance or financial operations of borrowing and investing, what is considered long-term is usually above 3 years, with medium-term usually between 1 and 3 years and short-term usually under 1 year.

What is short and long term?

Short-term usually involves processes that show results within a year. Companies aim medium-term plans at results that take several years to achieve. Long-term plans include the overall goals of the company set four or five years in the future and usually are based on reaching the medium-term targets.

What is another word for long term?

What is another word for long-term?

extended lengthy
perpetual unending
imperishable unfading
immutable timeless
dependable ageless

How long is long-term use?

What’s considered long-term?

What qualifies as long-term use?

What is considered long-term?

What is a synonym for long term?

Synonyms for (adjective) long-term. Synonyms: long-run, long-term, semipermanent. Definition: relating to or extending over a relatively long time. Usage: the long-run significance of the elections; the long-term reconstruction of countries damaged by the war; a long-term investment.

What does in the long term mean?

Long term refers to the extended period of time that an asset is held. Depending on the type of security, a long-term asset can be held for as little as one year or for as long as 30 years or more.

What is a long term?

Definition of long-term. 1 : occurring over or involving a relatively long period of time seeking long-term solutions. 2a : of, relating to, or constituting a financial operation or obligation based on a considerable term and especially one of more than 10 years long-term bonds.