
What AP score does FSU accept?

What AP score does FSU accept?

Students who have participated in the AP Program in high school and received a score of 3 or higher on the national examinations will receive college credit in the appropriate subject areas. Please refer to our website for information about specific scores and credits.

How do I check my AP scores FSU?

FSU Admissions on Twitter: “AP scores are visible on the Online Status Check at https://t.co/txWhZxTRHU.… “

Where do I send my AP scores for FSU?

AICE Scores

Does FSU take AICE credits?

Up to 45 semester hours of credit can be awarded by taking AICE, AP, IB, or CLEP tests and achieving appropriate scores. * To receive credit, official test scores must be sent directly to the Office of Admissions. We will not post college credit from a high school transcript.

Is FSU hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at Florida State University can be hard to quantify since selectivity varies widely from one program to another. In 2018, FSU received more than 50,000 applications from hopeful first-year students. The overall acceptance rate was 49%, so it is considered a moderately competitive school to get into.

Is UF or FSU cheaper?

UF has more expensive tuition & fees ($28,659) than FSU ($21,683). UF has higher submitted ACT score (28) than FSU (28). UF has more students with 52,218 students while FSU has 41,005 students. UF has more full-time faculties with 2,734 faculties while FSU has 1,602 full-time faculties.

Can I get into FSU with a 2.5 GPA?

Is your high school GPA good enough for Florida State? The average high school GPA for admitted students at Florida State is 4.07 on a 4.0 scale. This is a very competitive GPA, and Florida State is clearly accepting students at the top of their high school class.

Can I get into FSU with a 2.8 GPA?

A 2.8 GPA means that you’ve gotten only C-s and D+s in your high school classes so far. Since this GPA is significantly below a 2.0, it will make things very difficult for you in the college application process.

What should my AP score be for FSU?

The scoring scale is 1-5. No credit is allowed for a score of 1 or 2. (Sciences include laboratory credit for Liberal Studies.) Make sure you have requested that this credit be sent to FSU. If you earned AP Credit during your junior year and did not take an AP Exam during your senior year we may not have your scores from last year.

What are the requirements for a FSU degree?

Interested students should consult a faculty advisor for more information. In the first two years at FSU, students should take courses to complete the following requirements: General Education requirements, Multicultural Course requirements, and Prerequisite Coursework requirements. Some courses may fulfill requirements in multiple areas.

What kind of tests can you take for college credit at FSU?

Credit is awarded only for CLEP Subject Area Exams. Science, math, and engineering majors entering FSU without any college credit in algebra-based math are encouraged to take the College Algebra and/or Pre-Calculus CLEP tests prior to attending Orientation.

What should I have done by the end of my sophomore year at FSU?

By the end of the sophomore year, all students should have completed at least half of the General Education portion of the Liberal Studies for the 21st Century program, including the English Composition and Quantitative and Logical Thinking requirements.
