How do you make a music cue sheet?
How do you make a music cue sheet?
Cue sheets details should include:
- names of producers, director, distributor, main actors.
- production year.
- country of origin.
- project title / for a TV series: episode title and number.
- total duration of the production.
- total duration of all the music used.
- titles of the songs and compositions.
- the length of music.
What does a cue sheet consist of?
A cue sheet is a listing of all the music used in a television program or motion picture, broken down by title, running time, composer, publisher, affiliation, type of usage (e.g., background, feature, theme), and other important details.
How do I submit my cue to BMI?
The standardized cue sheet enables data to be submitted once through a single point of entry to [email protected], instead of separately to each PRO. The data will then be automatically ingested into BMI and ASCAP’s respective databases.
What is a cue title?
Cue Title: Title of the music performed, in sequence. Usage Codes (use drop-down): The way in which music was performed, as noted below: • BI = Background Instrumental: Underscore and non-visual (off camera) source.
How do you fill a lighting cue sheet?
Number the lighting cues sequentially, starting from 1. Write the cues in the following way: LX Q 1 GO (LX stands for Electrics, and nowadays means lighting; Q is the cue number. GO is the action word that means this is the exact point when the lighting change should happen). Don’t forget the house lights / preset.
What is cue number?
Cues have established numbers, generally starting from 1 and progressing in integers. If an extra cue is added after the initial list is set, it may be divided by a decimal or a letter. for example, a sequence may go 37, 37.3, 37.7 or 51A, 51B, 51C.
What is a master cue list?
The Master Cue Sheet is the one-stop-shop spreadsheet to log every single cue in your show. From sound, lighting, follow spots, set movements, and more – the Master Cue Sheet is how the document the Stage Manager tracks every single cue in the show.
What is a spotting sheet?
The results of spotting are “spotting sheets” which contain the time cues – organized by scene, shot, and time code reference – that will subsequently be useful to those artists contributing to the project’s sound design. After being locked and spotted, the cut goes into postproduction.
What is a music cue sheet for?
A cue sheet is a document that lists all of the musical elements of an audio/visual program. ASCAP uses cue sheets to determine to whom it distributes performance royalties.
What is a cue sheet BMI?
BMI maintains vast computer databases logging the music composed for past film and television work, which is systematically updated. An accurately filled out cue sheet is a log of all the music used in a production. This information includes: Series/Film Title.
What information is included in a lighting plan and cue sheet in a sound cue sheet?
A cue sheet, is a list of lighting cues arranged in numerical order. The cue sheet should include the cue number (Q 10), the count in seconds (10), and and the action the operator must execute (ScA > ScB).
How do you write a lighting cue list?
What do you need to know about a music cue sheet?
A cue sheet is a document containing a detailed listing of all the music used within a television show, feature film, documentary or other audiovisual production. A music cue sheet lists theme music and background cues associated specifically with those productions, as well as independent songs which are also included in the soundtrack.
How do you make a cue file for an audio recording?
You identify the location of a track break, write it into a text file and save the file for use in burning CD or splitting the track with an application like CUE Splitter. To make a cue file for an audio recording, you can simply open a text editor like notepad and type in the details. Here’s an example for the Miles Davis album Kind of Blue.
What do you need to fill in a cue sheet?
Though simple to fill in, information must be completed indicating the song title, writer and publisher information, song duration and use type. The first section of cue sheet provides details about the production including name, date of production, names of director and actors, country of origin etc.
What can you do with a cue sheet editor?
But it has more: you can use it as a full-featured cue sheet editor. Create a new cue sheet from scratch by adding tracks. Cut, copy, paste, delete and move tracks and edit the titles and durations.