
What is the characteristics and behavior of a gifted student?

What is the characteristics and behavior of a gifted student?

Shows superior reasoning powers and marked ability to handle ideas; can generalize readily from specific facts and can see subtle relationships; has outstanding problem-solving ability. Shows persistent intellectual curiosity; asks searching questions; shows exceptional interest in the nature of man and the universe.

What are the characteristic of gifted and talented?

Very good powers of reasoning and problem solving. Have intense interests. Possess unusual imagination. Have a great interest in “big” questions, e.g. the nature of the universe, the problem of suffering in the world, environmental issues.

What kind of eruption happens in a Vesuvian volcano?

Vesuvian eruption. Vesuvian eruption (sub-Plinian eruption) A type of volcanic activity marked by very explosive eruptions which occur after long periods of dormancy, during which gas pressures in the underlying magma have built up sufficiently to eject the plug of solid lava from the vent.

How tall is the peak of Mount Vesuvius?

In 2013, Vesuvius was 4,203 feet tall. It has a semicircular ridge called Mount Somma, while the valley in between the cone and Mount Somma is called Valle del Gigante, or Giant’s Valley. Due to eruptions, the height of Mount Vesuvius is not constant.

Why did vegetation die off on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius?

Vegetation on the slope dies off during eruptive periods because of the volcanic gases. After the eruption of 1906, forests were planted on the slopes in order to protect inhabited places from the flows of mud that usually occur after violent eruptions, and in the fertile soil the trees grew rapidly.

How old was Pliny the Elder when Mount Vesuvius erupted?

Others prayed to die.” Pliny, only 17 at the time, escaped the catastrophe and later became a noted Roman writer and administrator. His uncle, Pliny the Elder, was less lucky. Pliny the Elder, a celebrated naturalist, at the time of the eruption was the commander of the Roman fleet in the Bay of Naples.