
How do you calculate the weight of a Muskie?

How do you calculate the weight of a Muskie?

This newest formula, now known as the “Modified Crawford Formula” (MCF) (Length [in inches] X Girth [in inches] divided by 25 minus 8) (L X G/25-8), is used to “estimate” the weight of muskies over 50-pounds using length and girth measurements.

What does a 50 inch muskie weigh?

Length Thin Build/Long Head Thick Build/Blunt Head
45 19-21 Lbs. 28-30 Lbs.
48 22-24 Lbs. 33-36 Lbs.
50 24-27 Lbs. 38-45 Lbs.
52 28-31 Lbs. 43-50 Lbs.

How much does a musky weigh?

17 kgAdult

How much does a 36 inch musky weigh?

MuskieLength To Weight Conversion Chart

35 in 12.08 pounds
36 in 13.26 pounds
37 in 14.53 pounds
38 in 15.88 pounds
39 in 17.31 pounds

What is the longest muskie ever caught?

60 1/4 inches
The current all-tackle world-record muskie measured 60 1/4 inches and weighed 67 pounds, 8 ounces, a fish caught by Cal Johnson in 1949 at Lake Court Oreilles near Hayward, Wisc. Minnesota’s state record measured 56 7/8 inches.

How much would a 36 inch muskie weigh?

What is the best time to catch muskie?

Muskie become more difficult to catch in the heat of summer and the cold of winter. Like many predatory fish, muskie are most active at dawn and dusk, and these times typically provide the most action, especially on warm, sunny days. Cool, overcast days are usually best for muskie fishing.

What is the lifespan of a muskie?

Muskellunge can reach speeds of 30 miles per hour and live for as long as 30 years.

How much would a 36 inch northern pike weigh?

They are all pretty similar, but of course a fish can also vary by the girth of the body so a 36 inch pike might be a couple more or a couple less pounds….Inches.

Inches Walleye Northern Pike
35 15.9 12.2
36 13.3
37 14.5
38 15.7

How old is a 40 inch pike?

Fish Age-Size and Male/Female Ratio Chart

Fish Age Length Weight
19 39″-99cm 18lb
20 40″-101cm 21lb
21 41.5″-105cm 23lb
22 43″-109cm 25lb

How big does a Muskie weigh in inches?

Length (inches) Girth (inches-optional) Your fish weighs approximately 0 pounds Show off your fish: Enter your muskie in the LaX Reproductions Big Fish Contest. You may also post the picture directly to the message board. Copyright © 2021 OutdoorsFIRST Media|

How to calculate the weight of a Musky Hunter?

We recommend you “Clear the Fields” if you wish to do multiple fish calculations. Enter partial length and girth measurements as decimals: 1/4″=.25; 1/2″=.50; 3/4″=.75 Girth is optional, default is calculated at 0.46 * Length

What was the weight of the Muskie Knutson caught?

The muskie measured 56.5 inches and weighed an estimated 51 pounds; an exceptional catch for the large but shallow lake. But while that could have justified calling it a day, Knutson, two hours later, landed another muskie that measured 53.25 inches and weighed an estimated 54 pounds (based on a length-girth measuring formula).

What’s the state record for a giant Muskie?

Both muskies were released and fell just short of the record in the state’s Catch-and-Release length category (57.4 inches). Giant muskie No. 1.