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What is the best stat for elemental shaman?

What is the best stat for elemental shaman?

The stat priority for Elemental Shamans in PvP is as follows:

  • Intellect;
  • Versatility;
  • Critical Strike;
  • Haste;
  • Mastery.

What stats should a elemental shaman focus on?

The Basics of Stats for Elemental Shaman

  • Intellect;
  • Versatility;
  • Critical Strike;
  • Haste;
  • Mastery.

Why is mastery bad for elemental shaman?

Mastery: Mastery is just a bad version of haste. It doesn’t do anything for Earthquake or Earth Shock, it doesn’t affect our pets or trinkets and it doesn’t really generate a lot either. Avoid it at all costs. Also, on AoE most of your damage comes from Earthquake anyway, which mastery does not benefit.

Is Elemental Shaman good DPS?

In a game of max’s and min’s, Ele Shamans’ versatility isn’t nearly enough to make it viable. It’s one of the flashiest classes, but mechanically it’s one of the worst DPS classes with say, Arcane Mage.

What does mastery do for elemental shaman?

Your Lightning Bolt, and Chain Lightning casts have a 15.0% chance to trigger a second cast on the same target, dealing 85% of normal damage and generating less Maelstrom. Rank 2 (Level 78): Your Mastery can now also affect Elemental Blast, Lava Burst, and Icefury.

Are shamans good in TBC?

Enhancement Shaman DPS are extremely viable in TBC because of the amount of utility that they bring to the raid. You will be in the melee group so you’ll be bringing Windfury Totem and with level 70 you’ll have access to Bloodlust.

Is Elemental Shaman easy?

The Basics for Elemental Shaman Elemental is a straightforward specialization that can easily adapt to most situations comfortably. The amount of keybinds required to effectively play this specialization is relatively low, making it a great choice for less seasoned players.

Can elemental shaman dual wield?

Additionally, in the upcoming Cataclysm expansion, Restoration and Elemental shamans will be completely unable to dual wield, regardless of whether it’s better mathematically or not. Enhancement shamans will receive the ability to dual wield at 10 automatically: it’s no longer a talent.

What weapons should Elemental shamans use Shadowlands?

Basic Overview for Elemental Shaman in Shadowlands Shaman can use daggers, staves, shields, fist weapons, maces, and axes.

What is the DPS priority for elemental shaman?

We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations. Our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Shadowlands 9.0.5. If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our Classic Elemental Shaman DPS stat priority. 1. The Basics of Stats for Elemental Shaman 2. Gems, Enchants, and Consumables 3.

Is there an elemental shaman guide in mist of Pandaria?

I had to make an Elemental shaman, which I am re-rolling to in Mist, guide for my guild. So I figured I would share the knowledge I attained/gained while on the beta. These are just the things I personally use and have tested and what has come to work for me.

How does elemental mastery work in Mists of Pandaria?

Elemental Mastery is a Tier 4 talent that increases your haste by 30% for 20 seconds. As a result of Elemental Mastery being optional, Feedback no longer exists. Totemic Wrath has been replaced by Burning Wrath, a new passive Shaman ability. Earth Shock applies Weakened Blows on the target.

What does ascendance do in Mists of Pandaria?

Ascendance is a powerful DPS cooldown that lasts 15 seconds. While Ascendance is active, the cooldown of Lava Burst is removed and Lightning Bolt becomes Lava Beam, a powerful AoE ability. Grace of Air is a raid-wide passive Mastery Rating increase, available to all Shamans.