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What do you mean by the term corpus?

What do you mean by the term corpus?

1 : the body of a human or animal especially when dead. 2a : the main part or body of a bodily structure or organ the corpus of the uterus. b : the main body or corporeal substance of a thing specifically : the principal of a fund or estate as distinct from income or interest.

Is corpus plural?

What does corpus mean? The correct plural of corpus can be either corpora or corpuses. (Other Latin-derived words can be pluralized in the same way as corpora.)

How do you use the word corpus?

Corpus in a Sentence ?

  1. The corpus contained many different articles written by the author shortly before his death.
  2. Among the corpus of poems, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is probably the most-well-known work.
  3. In the bottom of the writer’s desk, a corpus of never published manuscripts was found.

What is a literary corpus?

Introduction. Literary corpora comprise poetry and fictional prose texts, such as novels, short stories and plays. They bring together the collected works of a single author or representative from a specific literary period.

What does corpus mean in law?

The corpus of a trust is the sum of money or property that is set aside to produce income for a named beneficiary. In the law of estates, the corpus of an estate is the amount of property left when an individual dies. Corpus juris means a body of law or a body of the law.

What are corpora used for?

Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms In linguistics, a corpus is a collection of linguistic data (usually contained in a computer database) used for research, scholarship, and teaching. Also called a text corpus. Plural: corpora.

What is the plural of opus?

noun. \ ˈō-pəs \ plural opera\ ˈō-​pə-​rə , ˈä-​ \ also opuses\ ˈō-​pə-​səz \

What is an author’s corpus?

A corpus is a collection of writings. The written works of an author, or from one specific time period, can be called a corpus if they’re gathered together into a collection or talked about as a group. You could discuss the corpus of Dr. Seuss, for example.

What is a Corpus account?

Dictionary of Banking Terms for: corpus. corpus. principalof a trust, as distinct from interest income, which may consist of stocks, bonds, bank accounts, real estate, or other property contributed by the donor. principal amount of an investment note.

What does mandamus mean in law?

A (writ of) mandamus is an order from a court to an inferior government official ordering the government official to properly fulfill their official duties or correct an abuse of discretion. (See, e.g. Cheney v. United States Dist.

What is a writ in jail?

In most modern American jurisdictions, a “writ” is an order from a higher court to a lower court or from any court to a government official such as a prison warden. Defendants may seek several types of writs from a court directed at a government official, trial court, or lower appellate court.

What corpora Cannot tell us?

However, there are limitations to what corpora can tell us. No negative evidence: just because a word or a sign does not occur in a corpus (however large and well balanced) does not mean that the word or sign never can occur in the language.

What does the name Corpus mean?

Corpus is a name of Anglo-Saxon origin. It was a name given to a dark-haired person. In Yorkshire and Suffolk, the surname Corpus is derived from the Old Norse word korpr, which means raven; in Oxfordshire , the surname is derived from the Old French word corp, which has the same meaning.

What is the general meaning of the word corpus?

1. a large or complete collection of writings: the entire corpus of Old English poetry. 2. the body of a person or animal, esp. when dead. 3. a. a mass of body tissue that has a specialized function.

What does Corpus mean in English?

Definition of corpus in English: corpus. nouncorpora, corpuses. 1A collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing on a particular subject.

What does Corpus mean in medical terminology?

Medical Definition of corpus. 1 : the human or animal body especially when dead. 2 : the main part or body of a bodily structure or organ the corpus of the jaw — see corpus uteri. corpus.