
How much does a fieldpiece cost?

How much does a fieldpiece cost?

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This item Fieldpiece SC260 Clamp Multimeter With True Rms Klein Tools CL800 Electrical Tester, Digital Clamp Meter AC / DC Auto-Ranging 600 Amp Measures Voltage, Resistance, Temp, More
Price $12835 $12513
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Sold By HVAC And TOOLS Direct

Is fieldpiece a good multimeter?

Fieldpiece SC440 True RMS Clamp Meter is one of the easiest yet most capable multimeters to use.

Is fieldpiece Job Link free?

Download a free version of Job Link and see what it’s like to have a right-hand man everywhere you go.

What is the meaning of true RMS?

root mean square
A true-RMS device (RMS = root mean square) is one of three tools that can measure alternating current (ac) or ac voltage: True-RMS digital multimeters (or clamp meter) Average-responding digital multimeter (or clamp meter) Oscilloscope.

What’s the best multimeter?

Top 6 Best Multimeters

  • Fluke 117 Electricians True RMS Multimeter.
  • Fluke 87V Digital Multimeter.
  • Klein Tools MM400 Auto Ranging Multimeter.
  • Greenlee Auto Ranging Digital Multimeter.
  • Mastech MS8268 Digital Auto Ranging Multimeter.
  • Extech EX330 Auto-Ranging Mini Multimeter.

What features do I need on a multimeter?

From a computer standpoint, the most important features to look for in a multimeter are:

  • The ability to select a range of voltages.
  • The ability to measure AC and DC voltages.
  • The ability to measure ohms.

How much does JOBLink cost?

JOBLink pricing starts at $9.90 as a flat rate, per month. There is a free version. JOBLink does not offer a free trial.

What is true RMS and why is it so important?

A true-RMS meter can accurately measure those imperfect, nonsinusoidal waves, as well as perfect, sinusoidal waves. “RMS” stands for root-mean-square, which is a calculation used to determine the equivalent DC value of an AC waveform.