
What is PepZin GI used for?

What is PepZin GI used for?

The proprietary chelation process used to produce PepZin GI provides long lasting support for healthy gastric function. It promotes healthy mucus secretions from stomach cells and helps maintain a beneficial bacterial balance in the GI tract.

What are the side effects of PepZin GI?

caused severe vomiting, nausea & diarrhea. Carnosine has histidine, a major histamine irritant. Dont take if you have any allergy issues.

How long can you take PepZin GI?

It takes time to heal. if you have been add it for longer than 8 months. If will take longer to heal.

What are the benefits of zinc carnosine?

It is a relatively new molecule and has been associated with multiple health benefits. There are several studies that support ZnC’s benefits in restoring the gastric lining, healing other parts of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, improving taste disorders, improving GI disorders, and enhancing skin and liver.

What is pepzin gi used for, know the benefits?

Functions performed by PepZin GI are: 1 PepZin GI supports the integrity of stomach cells. 2 PepZin GI promotes secretions of healthy mucus from the stomach cells. 3 Helps maintains a healthy balance of bacteria in the GI tract. 4 Relieves gastric discomfort. 5 PepZin GI prevents free radical damage to the gastric cells. 6 (more items)

What does pepzingi do to the stomach lining?

PepZinGI™ enhances stomach lining integrity, owing to its free-radical-quenching capability as well as its effects on growth factor and immunomodulating activities. PepZinGI™ dissociates in the stomach at a slow rate. This prolonged existence allows it to maintain its gastric healing effect over a longer period of time.

Can You double the dose of pepzin G.I?

You can double the dose but according to the studies, the benefit from doubling the dose is very small (it is well explained in the book “Ulcer free!”). I chose to take one tab at breakfast and one tab at dinner because the amount of Zinc ingested this way is closer to the recommended amount of zinc per day per person.

Which is best pepzin gi or zinc L carnosine?

PepZin GI may also be able to favorably maintain the bacterial balance of the stomach and GI tract.