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What does Zai mean in Pashto?

What does Zai mean in Pashto?

Every Pashtun tribe is then divide into subtribes, also called khel or zai. Zai in Pashto means “descendant”.William Crooke has said that khel is from an Arabic word meaning “association” or “company”.

Are Pashtuns Afghan?

Pashtun, also called Pushtan, Paktun or Pathan, are the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan. They live mainly in the south and the east of the country. Pashtun are Sunni Muslims and can also be found in the North West Province in Pakistan (about 14 million).

How many tribes are there in Pashtun?

They comprise about 60 tribes of varying size and importance, each of which occupies a particular territory. In Afghanistan, where the Pashtun are the predominant ethnic group, the main tribes—or, more accurately, federations of tribes—are the Durrānī south of Kabul and the Ghilzay east of Kabul.

Are Pashtuns Sunni or Shia?

Pashtuns are Sunni Muslims and can also be found in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan (about 14 million).

Who are the people from the tribe of Dan?

As a sidelight, the most well known Old Testament person from the tribe of Dan was Samson. Although he was a judge of Israel for twenty years and known for his miraculous strength, he was somewhat of a carnal man.

Who was Samson in the tribe of Dan?

Samson the Greek? 3,000-year-old archaeological finds at Tel Dan suggest that the Danites were Aegean soldiers hired by Canaan’s Egyptian overlords to keep order. For a list of Haaretz newsletters, click here. The Tribe of Dan, one of the 12 “Israelite tribes,” may have started as no such thing.

Where did the tribe of Dan rebuild Laish?

Bitter at their lot, the tribe went northward, conquered and destroyed the city of Laish (also called Leshem), then rebuilt it and renamed it after their ancestor (Judges 18:1-29).

Where did the mysterious tribe of Dan set up camp?

They journeyed forth and found a city Laish dwelling securely and prosperously, went back and urged their tribe to attack it, and 600 Danites sallied forth. But on their way, they set up camp in a place they named Mahaneh Dan (there they go again!