Useful tips

Do smallmouths eat swimbaits?

Do smallmouths eat swimbaits?

Generally, swimbaits will be smaller for smallmouth than largemouth, but that is not always the case. If they can fit it in their mouth, they will eat it.

When should you throw a swimbait?

The prime time to throw a swimbait in the shallows is after a shad spawn. Spinnerbaits are typically great lures for throwing during this time, but swimbaits will outperform blade baits in clear-water situations or on waters experiencing heavy fishing pressure.

What is the best size swimbait for bass?

Trophy bass hunters routinely heave 8 to 10 inch swimbaits, so don’t be afraid to throw the biggest baits you can find. Glide baits like the River2Sea S-Waver 168, and paddle-tail swimbaits like the Reaction Strike Bass Harasser have the large profile necessary to tempt the biggest bass in the area.

How deep can you fish a swimbait?

On some bodies of water, it might be 10 or 12 feet. And others, like those around Mullin’s east Tennessee home, it might be 40 or more feet. Regardless of the actual depth, the tactics are the same. Focus less on that number and more on selecting, rigging and retrieving your swimbait.

How do you fish hard swimbaits?

Swimbait Fishing Techniques The larger the fish, the slower it tends to swim. As you aim to imitate the swim pattern of bass prey, you must reel in the swimbait slowly. When baitfish die, they come near the surface of the water and flutter. Use a topwater swimbait in the early morning or evening when the water is calm.

What size hooks for swimbaits?

Too large of a hook will not only affect the action of the swimbait negatively, but it will make it look unnatural. A good rule of thumb on the Spark shad is to use a 5/0 or 6/0 on the 5 inch, 4/0 on the 4 inch, and 3/0 on the 3 inch.

What line do you use for swimbaits?

The best line to use when fishing with a swimbait is straight fluorocarbon (15-30lb) or braid (20-65lb) as the main line with a monofilament (20-35lb) leader. These line combinations will allow you to easily use heavy swimbaits and catch big fish.

Are swimbaits good for bass?

Swimbaits are another important tool when it comes to having the power to draw bass out of crystal clear water. “It’s one of the best baitfish imitators in clear water and when fish are keyed on bait,” Niggemeyer said.

Do swimbaits work in rivers?

Shad and shiner patterns are most popular and will work in both stained and clear water. Semi-translucent swimbaits work great in clear water. A bit of glitter or a little shiny paint adds the effect of scales. Another option is to match bluegill, crappie or perch.

What kind of line do you use for swimbaits?

The umbrella rig of swimbaits requires heavy tackle, usually 65-80 pound braided fishing line and a big reel for holding lots of big line. You essentially cast it as far as possible, let it sink to the desired depth and then slowly reel it back to the boat.

Where to put hard swim bait for bass?

Hard swim baits are often employed in the same places you might throw big topwater plugs, or covering big areas like points, flats and humps where big bass are known to roam.

How big of a swimbait do you need?

Some of the larger 8 and 10 inch swim baits can weigh more than 2 ounces. They require big specially designed swimbait rods, often 8 feet in length with heavy line and reels with strong gears and guts in them. You have to lob the bait more than cast it like a normal lure.

What kind of tail does a soft swimbait have?

Soft swimbaits will feature a boot or wedge tail to get action and kick on a slow retrieve. The wedge tail design is a little less active and features a very natural subtle swimming motion, usually keeping the body straight on the retrieve. Whereas, a boot tail forces more water displacement.