What are the four designated groups?
What are the four designated groups?
Under the Employment Equity Act, the government is required to strive to meet representation levels, based on estimated workforce availability, for the four employment equity designated groups: women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities.
What are the 4 employment equity groups?
The Employment Equity Act designates four groups as the beneficiaries of employment equity:
- Women.
- People with disabilities.
- Aboriginal people, a category consisting of Status Indians, Non-status Indians, Métis (people of mixed French-Aboriginal ancestry in western Canada), and Inuit (the Aboriginal people of the Arctic).
What does the employment equity Act cover?
The Employment Equity Act stipulates that consultation and collaboration between employers and unions is mandatory. The employers must provide information to bargaining agents, seek their opinion and advice in order to better implement employment equity activities in their organization.
What is employment equity Act No 55 of 1998?
To ensure that everyone enjoys equal opportunity and fair treatment in the workplace, the Employment Equity Act, No 55 of 1998 was enacted into law. The Employment Equity Act protects you, and your rights, from any form of discrimination by your employer.
What is a racially visible person?
Racially visible persons Racialized persons are people (other than Aboriginal/indigenous peoples) who are non-white in colour and non-Caucasian in race, regardless of their place of birth or citizenship.
Do employers have to hire minorities?
For federal contractors and subcontractors, affirmative action must be taken by covered employers to recruit and advance qualified minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and covered veterans. Affirmative actions include training programs, outreach efforts, and other positive steps.
What is the difference between pay equity and pay equality?
Pay Equity: Equal pay for work of equal value Equal pay for work of equal value is also known as pay equity. This right to equality addresses the fact that Canada has a sex segregated labour market. Women and men continue to be concentrated in jobs, often in different workplaces.
What is undue hardship examples?
Undue Hardship to the Company For example, an accommodation request may include a job-sharing situation that requests the hiring of another to share the job. This could be an undue hardship for a sole-proprietor’s small business that produces a small amount of revenue and only has one employee in that position.
Who is covered by Employment Equity Act?
2.1 No person may unfairly discriminate, directly or indirectly, against an employee in any employment policy or practice, on one or more grounds including race, gender, pregnancy, marital status, family responsibility, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, HIV status.
How do you implement an employment equity plan?
- 1 Consult with Employment Equity Committee. A designated employer must consult with employees on the implementation of the EE plan.
- 2 Launch EE plan. Preparation involves the following tasks:
- 3 Setup monitoring and evaluating mechanisms.
- 4 Align business processes to EE Plan.
- 5 Report Progress.
Who is excluded from the Employment Equity Act?
Who qualifies as a designated employer?
Designated employers are employers who employee 50 or more employees, employers who employ less than 50 employees but whose annual turnover exceeds or equals the amounts in schedule 4 of the EEA, or an employer who has been declared a designated employer in terms of a collective agreement.
How does the Employment Equity Act work in South Africa?
Staff and expenses 32. Public hearings 33. Report by Commission for Employment Equity 34. Monitoring by employees and trade union representatives 35. Powers of labour inspectors 36. Undertaking to comply 37. Compliance order 38. Limitations 39. Objections against compliance order 40. Appeal from compliance order 41.
What was the Employment Equity Act of 1998?
The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 intends: 1 to provide for employment equity; and 2 to provide for matters incidental thereto. More
Who are designated employers under Employment Equity Act?
A designated employer means an employer who employs 50 or more employees or has a total annual turnover as reflected in Schedule 4 of the Act, municipalities and organs of state. Employers can also volunteer to become designated employers. A designated group means black people, women, or people with disabilities.
What does Commission mean in Employment Equity Act?
(a) one or more employers; (b) one or more registered employers’ organisations: or (c) one or more employers and one or more registered employers’ organisations; “Commission” means the Commission for Employment Equity, established by section 28; “Constitution” means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996);