Users' questions

Does advanced warfare have Exo Zombies?

Does advanced warfare have Exo Zombies?

Exo Zombies is a downloadable game mode in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. This mode is available in each DLC pack.

What is the best gun in Exo Zombies?

I’vr found TAC-19, S-12, SAC3 being pretty effective as at late waves i usually only hip-fire. Mahem along with Ameli and Pytaek also works well. And don’t forget the Nano swarn and Distraction drone.

How many times can you upgrade in Exo Zombies?

During the course of a typical Exo Zombies online game, weapons can only be upgraded a total of 20 times.

Do you have to buy exo zombies?

Unlike previous installments, Advanced Warfare’s Zombie mode wasn’t included in the main game. Instead, you’ll need to shell out extra for it via a future DLC update. It’s not all bad news though, as the game does include some zombie gameplay, unlockable by playing Exo Survival mode.

Is Exo Zombies single player?

For a similarly named game mode, see Exo Survival. It first appeared on the map Riot in Exo Survival as a bonus round, but not as an actual standalone game mode. In the pre-rendered cutscene, the surviving player character escapes, and jumps aboard a Warbird.

Is there an end to exo zombies?

As readers can see in the video above, the ending to Exo Zombies is anticlimactic to say the least. In fact, it isn’t really an ending at all, as the rounds continue to tick up and players can keep fighting.

What is the best gun in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare zombies?

CEL-3 Cauterizer Better known as the Wonder Weapon in Exo-Zombies Mode, this weapon is exclusive to this game mode. This is a directed energy shotgun with three barrels of explosive rounds. This is certainly one of the best weapons to use in this game mode because of its insanely high damage output and hip fire.

What’s the best gun in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare?

The Grau 5.56 is our pick for the best weapon in Modern Warfare – even following some nerfs.

What does exo stockpile do?

Introduced in the map Carrier, Exo Stockpile increases the amount of ammunition players can hold in their weapons by 20%, and the amount of lethal grenades and tactical grenades that players can carry by one grenade each type. Players also receive two grenades of each type instead of just one per round.

Is there pack a punch in Exo Zombies?

Exo Zombies does not feature a Pack-a-Punch Machine, but rather an Upgrade Station. For 2,500 credits, the player can upgrade their current weapon to a higher level, up to level 20 (completing the map’s easter egg allows one more upgrade to level 25).

Is Advanced Warfare Zombies free?