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How do I fix my Xbox 360 disc tray?

How do I fix my Xbox 360 disc tray?

Insert a large paper clip into the eject button hole and push it in about an inch and a half. This should cause the tray to open a bit, and your can open the tray fully with your hands. Ensure the disc in the system isn’t sticky or gooey, causing the tray to jam.

How do I fix my Xbox 360 disc tray that won’t close?

Gently place the tray back in and slight nudge to engage gears. POwer on xbox 360 and give another nudge to help the tray realign. Open and close the tray a couple times. To assure sucess.

Why isn’t my Xbox 360 disc tray opening?

If the disc drive is still stuck closed, insert the paper clip into the adjacent hole (to the right) and push again. If you’re successful, the disc tray will pop out slightly. Plug the power cord into the back of the console. If the disc drive works properly, reattach the console faceplate.

Why does Xbox 360 keep saying open tray?

The Open Tray error on Xbox 360 is definitely one of the most troublesome errors you can encounter on your console as its cause is usually related to hardware, rather than software issues, meaning you sometimes really need to have someone to look at it or you need to perform some maintenance carefully.

Why wont my Xbox 360 read discs it just says open tray?

So all you’ll want to do is put a disc in the disc drive, close it and wait for it to load. If it says “open tray”, open and close the tray again. Now keep doing this. It should eventually load the disc.

Why does my Xbox 360 disc tray keep opening?

One thing you can try is to unplug your console from the wall power outlet for several hours. Then, hold your finger on the disc eject button for a few seconds. This should fully discharge the capacitors in the system – a sort of “reset” of the touch buttons, if you will.

Why wont my Xbox 360 read my disc?

The major contributing factor to a disc read error is a dirty optical lens (the one that your Xbox 360 laser passes through to read the disc itself). If there is dirt or dust on the laser lens, your system will eventually fail to read the game disc.

Why does my Xbox one disc tray keep opening?

How to open the Xbox 360 slim disk drive tray?

A detailed tutorial video on How to open the Xbox 360 Slim CD / DVD / Disk Drive tray without damaging your console and to fix the stuck tray. Make sure you check the limit switch right next to the cd drive motor as if it’s loose it will also cause the tray to jam. See 12:10 in the video.

How do you take an Xbox 360 console apart?

On the right side of the 360 there is a notch at the end of the faceplate. Put your thumb on this notch and pull away from the console with a good deal of force. The plate should pop off of the casing. On each end of the console there are two gray heating grills which must be removed to take apart the console.

How do you remove hard drive from Xbox 360?

First remove the hard drive on the console, flip it over and with your thumb in the faceplate notch, remove the faceplate. On the right side of the 360 there is a notch at the end of the faceplate. Put your thumb on this notch and pull away from the console with a good deal of force.

What should I do if my disc tray is stuck?

First, you need to use a paper clip or similar pointy thin thing to open the disc tray. DO NOT try to rip it open with your bare hands. Of course this will wreck your drive, dummy! There is a small hole just under the tray to stick the clip in. Feel around with it until you hit a gear, then push in to turn the gear.