
Can pictus catfish go with African cichlids?

Can pictus catfish go with African cichlids?

Conclusion. African cichlids can make great tank mates for the pictus catfish. If you consider everything we’ve said here and if you make sure that the requirements are met, then they will happily live together.

What catfish can go with African cichlids?

The spotted Raphael catfish, hifin catfish, upside down catfish, ocellifer catfish and spotted catfish are all suitable as tankmates for African cichlids. These catfish will feed heavily on algae in the aquarium, but will require supplementary feeding, particularly once the algae has been grazed down.

Can pictus catfish eat other fish?

As we previously mentioned, the Pictus Catfish is an incredibly greedy fish, who will not hesitate eating other smaller fish in your aquarium if they are not fed enough, so make sure you are feeding them some good quality food, and you are feeding them often.

How big of a tank does a pictus catfish need?

50 gallons
Species Overview

Tank Level Bottom dweller
Minimum Tank Size 50 gallons
Diet Omnivore
Breeding Egg layer

Can you put catfish with African cichlids?

Catfish can be an excellent addition to an African Cichlid aquarium. Although the African Cichlid is noted for its aggression, the larger catfish species are compatible tank mates and generally do a great job of helping maintain water quality.

What fish are compatible with Pictus catfish?

The most important thing to keep in mind when picking pictus catfish tank mates is size.

  • Giant danios.
  • Opaline gourami.
  • Rainbow sharks.
  • Larger platies (the size is important)
  • Catfish of similar size or larger.

Can synodontis catfish live with African cichlids?

Our most commonly sold Synodontis is a tropical species that tends to swim upside down. Its scientific name is Synodontis nigriventris. Unlike the prior two catfish noted, this one won’t do as well in with the African Cichlids, but makes an excellent addition to tanks with a lower pH, ranging from 6.0 – 7.5.

Can I put catfish with cichlids?

What is the lifespan of a pictus catfish?

between 8 and 10 years
The average pictus catfish lifespan is between 8 and 10 years. This is rather long when you compare them to other popular aquarium catfish like the Otocinclus.

Can 2 pictus catfish live together?

Keeping Pictus Catfish Together They do well in a group of 3-4 but in general you can keep up to 6 at once; just make sure your aquarium is large enough.

Can cichlids live with guppies?

While many cichlids are notorious for their aggression, several small dwarf cichlids make good companions for guppies. Rams see guppies as “dither fish,” which means when a ram sees guppies swimming out in the open, it makes them feel safe and less likely to hide in the recesses of the aquarium.

Which is a good tank mate for a Pictus catfish?

Now as for which species make a good tank mate with the Catfish you can include strong, energetic species fish such as: It isn’t uncommon for people to keep Pictus Catfish as a single specimen; they will survive on their own with no problem. However most people who keep them, do so in a shoal, as they are a shoaling species by nature.

Can a tiger barb live with a Pictus catfish?

Tiger Barbs The Tiger Barb has absolutely no problem living in the same tank with other species, including the Pictus Catfish. They are peaceful and also quite eye-catchy with those vertical black stripes and vivid red fins. Just like the Pictus Catfish, they are also schooling fish that should be kept in a group of 5 or 6.

Can A pictus catfish eat a neon tetra?

Feeding a pictus catfish is a not a difficult task, and like many other catfish, they will eat nearly anything that they can fit into their mouths. This becomes dangerous if you have any small fish in the aquarium, and fish like neon tetras should be avoided in pictus catfish tanks.

How big does a Pimelodus pictus catfish get?

Quick Pictus Cat Care Sheet Scientific Name Pimelodus pictus Adult Size Range Grows up to 5 inches in length Minimum Tank Size 55 Gallons (50-gallons per catfish) Temperature Range 75 to 81°F Water Hardness 5 to 15 dH