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Who killed Nimue Ouat?

Who killed Nimue Ouat?

Nimue does not listen to Merlin, then crushes Vortigan’s heart, killing him. After this act, Nimue’s skin begins to turn a dark silvery green, the darkness has taken over her soul. After the transformation, she exclaims she does not want to lose her power, then she breaks Excalibur in two.

Who did Merlin love in Once Upon a Time?

Nimue is a character featured on ABC’s Once Upon a Time. Nimue was the true love of Merlin, before the forces of evil took her from him. She is portrayed by Caroline Ford.

How did Nimue die Ouat?

Unexpectedly, at this point, a healthy Nimue rips out Vortigan’s heart and reveals that she had drunk from the Holy Grail, desiring power and immortality like Merlin’s, and thirsty for vengeance against Vortigan. Despite Merlin’s pleas and warning, Nimue crushes Vortigan’s heart, killing him.

Who plays Nimue Ouat?

Caroline Ford
So Merlin uses his newfound magic for good, to heal people and help them, which is how he meets the former love of his life, Nimue (Caroline Ford), 200 years ago.

Is Nimue dead?

Nimue died Despite trying to rescue her people, Nimue couldn’t save herself and was killed by Iris (Emily Coates). Throughout the finale, Iris was bumping off people are she tried to stoke distrust and fear with each murder creating much discord.

Is Merlin the father of Nimue?

Nimue’s mother instructed her to bring the Sword of Power to Merlin so they can save the Fey. He promises never to lie to her. Merlin is later revealed to be Nimue’s biological father.

Who is Lily’s real dad in Once Upon a Time?

Apparently Lily’s father is actually Zorro, who just so happens to be a dragon on OUAT. While the masked vigilante doesn’t actually make an appearance in the episode, the show’s creators admitted they were adamant about a line or two regarding Lily’s dad in the final episode.

Is Merlin really dead in Once Upon a Time?

Emma Put Merlin’s Life In Danger On ‘OUAT’ Not only did Emma turn Hook into a Dark One on Once Upon A Time, but she might have killed Merlin in the process. See, in order to save Hook from his deadly Excalibur cut, Emma elected to bind Hook to the sword, keeping him alive.

Is Nimue good or bad?

Vivien, who also went by Nineve, Nimue, or Niniane is the most renown Lady of the Lake who put Merlin under her spell. It’s unclear what the Lady of the Lake’s motivations are, but in most of the tales, she’s a combination of both good and evil, largely a tool to move the male characters’ stories forward.

Who killed Nimue in Merlin?

The two battled and Merlin was hit by Nimueh’s magic, which appeared to kill him. He survived, however, and summoned the power of the old magic to strike Nimueh with a lightning bolt, killing her, and using her death to save Gaius (Le Morte d’Arthur).

Is Merlin dead in Cursed?

Poisons. Merlin rides into a forest and is shot in the chest with an arrow by Pellam, an agent of Rugen the Leper King. As Pellam taunts him, he pulls the arrow out of his chest, stabs him, and then chokes him to death before fleeing. He then visits Nimue and presents Cumber the Ice King’s offer to her.

Is Merlin Nimue father in Cursed?

Nimue is the protagonist of Cursed. She is a Fey with the power to control plant life around her. This power has made others fear her and call her a witch. She is the daughter of the Priestess Lenore, who before dying gives her the task of delivering the Sword of Power to the wizard Merlin, her father.

Who was Nimue in Once Upon a Time?

This article focuses on the Season Five episode, “Nimue”. For the character, see Nimue. This is where the first Dark One killed Nimue, the woman I loved. “Nimue” is the seventh episode of Season Five of ABC ‘s Once Upon a Time. It was written by Jane Espenson, and directed by Romeo Tirone.

What happens to Emma and hook in Once Upon a Time?

Regina manages to use light magic and defeats Zelena, removing her pendant and leaving her powerless. However, after Zelena’s death, the time-travel portal that she tried to open is activated. When Emma and Hook investigate it, they are sucked into the time portal and are sent to the Enchanted Forest of the past. However, they eventually return.

Where does Emma Swan come from in Once Upon a Time?

Emma spawns from the Vault of the Dark One, guided by a manifestation of the darkness inside her, in the form of Rumplestiltskin. She meets Merida while searching for a Wisp, but when Merida refuses to hand the Wisp over, Emma rips out her heart and threatens to kill her.

What’s the name of Emma’s Baby in Once Upon a Time?

When Emma and Hook investigate it, they are sucked into the time portal and are sent to the Enchanted Forest of the past. However, they eventually return. Emma goes to her parents’ coronation celebration for their newborn son and Emma’s baby brother, and discovers that they have called their son Neal, in honor of Baelfire.