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Are inclusions bad in a diamond?

Are inclusions bad in a diamond?

Bad Inclusions: Buy inclusions that are small and white so the diamond’s sparkle will hide them. Don’t get inclusions that are large or look like chunks of salt, those are bad. Those types of flaws can weaken a diamond and cause the stone to break.

What are the worst inclusions in a diamond?


  • The 4 Worst Inclusions.
  • 1) Black Carbon Spots.
  • Not all Carbon is Bad…
  • Point is, stay away from Black Spots!
  • 2) Inclusions Top, Center of your Diamond.
  • 3) Long Cracks or Fractures.
  • 4) Chips on the Side of the Diamond.
  • Girdle Chips.

Can you fix an inclusion in a diamond?

There are things that jewelers can do to fix a diamond’s clarity. For example, if you have a big black spot inclusion that falls to the outside of your diamond and looks unsightly, you can always have your diamond recut and repolished into a smaller diamond.

Which diamond inclusion is a deal breaker?

A “feather” inclusion is basically a nice-sounding name for a crack/break in the diamond. When they are large in size and located near the girdle, they can present a durability problem as a hard impact can cause cleavage to occur.

Can a diamond crack?

Diamonds do not crack. You will either chip the diamond completely or not all. Inclusions in diamonds don’t usually lead to a diamond chipping. However, if the inclusion is close enough to the corner of a princess cut diamond (square), it can make that part of the diamond weaker; often a nightmare for diamond setters.

What is a cloud on a diamond?

Cloud. A group of tiny pinpoints found inside a diamond, too small to distinguish individually. In higher clarity diamonds, clouds are often difficult to detect under 10x magnification. Occasionally with lower clarity diamonds, you may see a note on the grading report that clarity is based on clouds not shown.

Can a diamond crack if dropped?

Answer: It is very unlikely that a diamond would crack or break just by dropping it. Under the most severe circumstances, a diamond would probably chip under a hard blow. Examples of these include hitting the diamond at an angle with a lot of force or banging your hand against a hard surface accidentally.

Why does my diamond look like it has a crack in it?

The “crack” is a reflection from the diamond’s girdle and is a so-called girdle reflection. This phenomenon is caused by the pavilion facets and is the answer to the horizontal line in the diamond. The purpose is simply to protect the diamond. A thicker girdle protects better than a very thin girdle.

Why are there black dots in my diamond?

Diamonds are entirely made up of carbon, and the black spots in them are just dots of carbon that hasn’t crystallized. They are natural flaws that occurred during the formation of the diamond and are part of its structure. Black spots in diamonds are dots of carbon that hasn’t crystallized.

Can a diamond chip if dropped?

Does a cracked diamond lose value?

For example, if your diamond happens to be chipped, the bigger the chip, the more likely the stone is to break further in the same place if hit again, and this risk diminishes the value of the diamond. There is no way to repair chipped diamonds without causing the damaged stone to lose value.

What do flaws in diamonds look like?

Pinpoint inclusions are the most common type of diamond inclusion. They are essentially tiny black spots, like blackheads on skin, which are noticeable on the table of a diamond. They are small internal cracks, and if they are present from top to bottom, the diamond’s durability could be compromised.

What does inclusion mean on the surface of a diamond?

Anything on the surface of the diamond is referred to as a ‘blemish’. Although seen as a flaw, inclusions make each diamond unique. A common misconception is that an inclusion only refers to the black marks seen in diamonds. These black marks are crystals within the diamond comprised of the mineral carbon.

Are there crystal inclusions in a clean diamond?

Crystal inclusions in an eye clean diamond are usually too small to pose a serious durability risk. Dark crystals, however, can usually be perceived by the naked eye, particularly if it is the grade-setting inclusion in a SI1 or SI2 diamond.

Are there any inclusions in a Brilliance Diamond?

Almost all diamonds on the market will have some degree of inclusions. Inclusions can take a backseat to other purchase preferences since all reputable jewelers will offer high definition imagery and GIA or AGS certifications. Brilliance diamonds will mainly have clarity grades of VS1 and VS2 to ensure confidence during purchase.

Are there any crystal inclusions in si1 diamonds?

Obviously, this refers to crystal inclusions in SI1 or SI2 diamonds. In VS2 diamonds (and above) graded by GIA and AGS, you won’t have to worry about any visibility issues. Crystal inclusions in an eye clean diamond are usually too small to pose a serious durability risk.