Users' questions

Where can I find free Bible studies?

Where can I find free Bible studies?

Simply visit, sign up, and start viewing the video sessions whenever is convenient for you or your virtual small group! Here’s how this will work. All the video sessions will be available at once, so you can feel free to work at whatever pace is best for you or your small group.

How can I study the Bible online?

Pick an Online Platform

  1. Create a Google Hangout. Anyone with a Google account can utilize Google Hangout.
  2. Zoom. You’ve probably heard people talk about Zoom a lot these days because it’s popular for any type of online group or meeting.
  3. Live Stream.
  4. Existing Bible Studies.
  5. Size.
  6. Real-Time Chat.
  7. On-Demand.
  8. Headphones.

Where can I get Free Study Bible?

1. Contact a Local Church. One of the easiest and possibly very best ways to obtain a free Bible is to call a local church. Most large and small churches have a surplus of “left behind” Bibles in their “lost and found” closet.

What is the best Bible study site?

SearchGodsWord.ORG Probably one of the most powerful Bible study sites on the Internet. The site not only has virtually everything else everyone else has but it also has hard to find resources such as McGarvey’s original commentary on Acts and Burton Coffman’s commentaries.

How to study your Bible?

An Easy Step-by-Step Method of Studying the Bible Choose a Book of the Bible. One chapter at a time. Begin With Prayer. Pray for guidance. Read the Entire Book. Understanding and applying themes. Zoom In. Seek deeper understanding. Choose Your Tools. Choose tools to help. Be a Doer of the Word. Don’t just study God’s Word for the sake of studying. Set Your Own Pace.

What tools do you need to study the Bible?

The first tool for Bible study is the Bible itself. Since most people cannot read the original Hebrew and Greek text of the Scriptures, a good English translation is needed. The best translations in English rely on a literal “word for word” approach to translation.