
What does Moon dust smell like?

What does Moon dust smell like?

After walking on the Moon astronauts hopped back into their lunar lander, bringing Moon dust with them. They were surprised, and perplexed, to find that it smelled like spent gunpowder.

What could you smell on the Moon?

In an article on, Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison “Jack” Schmitt describes the Moon’s scent as being similar to spent gunpowder. Buzz Aldrin of Apollo 11 says it smells like charcoal, or fireplace ashes sprinkled with water.

What did the astronauts say the Moon smell like?

It smells like welding. This is a very ozone, metallic, very distinctive smell,” Russian cosmonaut Sergey Ryazansky said in 2017. “When they open the hatch and we repressurize there is a very strong smell. And I smelled it and it was immediate that I knew what it was,” NASA astronaut Randy Bresnik said.

Is it illegal to own moon dust?

It is illegal to own or possess any lunar material brought back from the Apollo program, including those samples gifted to the states and other nations.

What is moon dust called?

The lunar surface is covered by a layer of unconsolidated debris called the lunar regolith (fig. 53).

Can you hear noise on the Moon?

Are there any audible sounds at all on the moon? However, the Moon is in space, and space is mostly a vacuum (there are always some atoms floating around, but they are VERY far apart and don’t interact with one another). Thus there is no sound on the Moon.

Can you smell gunpowder?

There is no Cordite whatsoever in modern ammunition. With modern ammo you can smell the pungent Nitroglycerin after firing. Modern powder is basically sawdust soaked in nitro coated with graphite.

Why does moon smell like gunpowder?

“Oxygen is very reactive,” notes Lofgren, “and would readily combine with the dangling chemical bonds of the moondust.” The process, called oxidation, is akin to burning. Although it happens too slowly for smoke or flames, the oxidation of moondust might produce an aroma like burnt gunpowder.

Do Astronauts Make Love in space?

Ever wondered how astronauts have survived inside a closed, isolated space for months and successfully (maybe) turned a blind eye to their human desires? According to reports, NASA and other space agencies have so long denied the occurrence of any sexual activity in the space.

Is moon dust harmful?

The harmful properties of lunar dust are not well known. Based on studies of dust found on Earth, it is expected that exposure to lunar dust will result in greater risks to health both from acute and chronic exposure.

Is moon dust a drug?

Even though there were no known illnesses due to exposure, lunar dust is a concern because it has properties comparable to that of fresh-fractured quartz, a highly toxic substance.

What does Moondust smell like back on Earth?

Moondust smells like burnt gunpowder.) Curiously, back on Earth, moondust has no smell. There are hundreds of pounds of moondust at the Lunar Sample Lab in Houston. There, Lofgren has held dusty moon rocks with his own hands.

What did the air on the Moon smell like?

As Armstrong and Aldrin re-entered and re-pressurized the Eagle lunar lander, their suits and equipment were soiled by lunar dust. That dust has a definite odor, he said. “It was like burnt charcoal,” Aldrin said, “or similar to the ashes that are in a fireplace, especially if you sprinkle a little water on them.”.

Is it bad to breathe in moon dust?

You shouldn’t breathe it in. Following a lunar walk, astronaut Harrison Schmitt noted the smell of Moon dust in the air, like gunpowder. NASA pathologist Russell Kerschmann warned that prolonged exposure to Moon dust could seriously damage human lungs.

What makes up the dust on the Moon?

Because tiny specks of iron are present in the glass shell of each lunar dust particle, magnets can be used to filter the dust out of the air and off sensitive equipment. The dust that makes up lunar soil can also be quickly microwaved into flat sheets, meaning roads and landing pads can easily be created for future missions. 4.