Can otos live with cichlids?
Can otos live with cichlids?
No, Malawi cichlids like hard alkaline water, which otos and plecos generally don’t. They’re also aggressive which won’t be good for the plecos either.
What temperature should Otocinclus be?
Otos prefer a stable pH, which is neutral to slightly acidic (6-7.5) and a water temperature between 72-82°F (22-28°C). Stock your tank with plants (see more info below) and perform weekly 25-30% water changes to help keep your water as clean as possible.
Are otos Hardy?
They’re only hardy once they’ve acclimated and gotten food into them. They die from starvation most times since their diet is so particular. They are captured wild and don’t eat throughout the transport.
How big do otos get?
Otocinclus Catfish Size They can grow to be about 1 1/2 – 2 inches when fully mature. Because Otocinclus Catfish size is small, they are very quick fish, being able to dart from one end of the tank to another in a flash.
Can I keep 3 Otocinclus?
Otocinclus catfish are shoaling fish. When you keep them in groups of 6 or more you’ll notice them becoming a lot more confident. They will become more active and each one of them will show you their own individual personalities. In fact, it’s better not to keep an otocinclus on its own.
Does Otocinclus poop alot?
Yes, they do poop a lot, their digestion tract is always moving food through it. The poop though is very low in ammonia due to their plant based diet. This makes things look messy but it doesn’t contribute to the bioload as much as it appears to (still does though).
Does OTOS eat hair algae?
Meet your best friend and aquatic lawnmower: the Otocinclus. The Otocinclus is a dwarf sucker-mouth catfish that only grows to be about 2 inches long. This little guy loves nothing more than to eat the algae off of your plants, glass, and other tank décor and are not known to eat your aquatic plants.
Can Otocinclus live in a 3 gallon tank?
How about this.. it’s not that you cannot house them in such a small tank, it is recommended that you keep them in 3 gal or larger because they need the room to swim around.
Can I keep only 1 Otocinclus?
Super Moderator. Yes they should be kept in groups. They suffer psychological stress if kept alone or in small groups. 3 fish is the minimum recommendation, but I have always felt that keeping them in groups no smaller than 5 or 6 was best.
Why do Otocinclus poop a lot?
Can I keep 1 Otocinclus?
Ideally, you should keep otocinclus catfish in a shoal of 6 or more. To do this effectively you should have a tank that is 29 gallons or bigger. However, it is possible to keep a single otocinclus in a 10-gallon tank, but it’s not recommended. Make sure otocinclus catfish are getting enough food.
Will OTOS eat biofilm?
I’ve seen “Otos” consume massive quantities of algae, and then turn their attention to biofilms. Many species will eat some vegetable and animal matter that they encounter between feedings of prepared foods, and their consumption of biofilms is very much incidental at best.
What should the water temperature be in a cichlid tank?
The water for a Cichlid tank has to meet the following criteria: The optimum temperature of the water inside a Cichlid tank has to around 72-82° F (22-28° C). To maintain this temperature, you have to use a water heater. Also, use a submersible thermometer that will help you keep a tab on the temperature of the water.
How to take care of an Otocinclus fish tank?
Fill it with water. Use the water that comes from water changes. Put there a lot of small rocks like marble chips and ceramic filter media (The rocks should be clean and aquarium safe, of course). Leave it under the strongest lighting you can find. Ideally – 24/7. Use any fertilizer to grow plants in a tank.
How big of an aquarium do you need for a cichlid?
Ideally a 75-gallon tank and a further 50 gallons for each additional Oscar added. The aquarium should have good filtration as they are known for being messy fish. If you wish to decorate the tank you can, but make sure the decorations are anchored down as Oscars will attempt to rearrange their tanks.
How can I lower the pH in my cichlid tank?
To lower the pH level of the tank water, you can use Seachem Acid Buffer, whereas if you want to raise the pH level of your water then you can use Seachem Alkaline Buffer. In both cases, you need to keep on adding one teaspoon (2 gm) of the buffer to every 20 gallons of water until you reach the desired pH level.