
What is Vosotros used for?

What is Vosotros used for?

The pronoun vosotros (bvoh-soh-trohs) (plural you) is used in spoken Spanish in Spain only. Spaniards use vosotros to informally address a group of people. In all other Spanish-speaking countries, vosotros is taught in the schools, but never used in normal conversation.

What is the difference between vosotros and ustedes?

A major grammatical difference is in the choice of pronouns. Spain uses the second-person plural “vosotros” (you all) whereas most of Latin America uses the second-person plural “ustedes” to mean “you all.”

What does Vosotros and Vosotras mean?

“Vosotros” is a pronoun which is often translated as “you”, and “vosotras” is a pronoun which is also often translated as “you”.

How do you use nosotros and vosotros?

5 Answers

  1. votes. Vosotros link text.
  2. votes. Worth noting that vosotros isn’t used in South America.
  3. vote. Nosotros means we while vosotros means them all, vosotros is used only in Spain while nosotros is used in all spanish speaking countries.
  4. vote. Nosotros is the Spanish conjugation for “us” or “we” in English.
  5. votes.

Where is ustedes used?

“You” in Spanish

Pronoun Number and Formality Where It’s Used
usted singular and formal used in most Spanish-speaking countries
vosotros plural and informal used in Spain
ustedes plural and formal or informal used in all Spanish-speaking countries

Is usted still used?

In Spain, usted (singular) and ustedes (plural) are used as well. But this happens only for more formal occasions, or occasions where respect must be shown. So, if you meet the Pope while in Spain, be sure to use the usted form. In other Spanish-speaking countries, however, vosotros is never (or rarely) used.

How do you use vosotros in a sentence?

For example, radio and television hosts use ustedes when talking to a mature audience, but vosotros if the audience is young. A pop artist would use vosotros to talk to his or her young public, but an opera singer would prefer ustedes. In stores and restaurants young customers are addressed with the vosotros form.

What is the abbreviation of ustedes?

When you’re talking to more than one person, you use Ustedes. Ud. Is the abbreviation for Usted, and Uds. Is the abbreviation for Ustedes.

Does vosotros mean you all in Spanish?

Vosotros being the more informal plural form of “you all” is frequently used in everyday conversation, with kids, with friends, with pets, and so forth. In Spain, usted (singular) and ustedes (plural) are used as well. In other Spanish-speaking countries, however, vosotros is never (or rarely) used.

What goes after Vosotros?

Ustedes preferred in Latin America….Spanish Subject Pronouns:

singular: plural:
second person, informal: vosotros, vosotras
second person, formal: usted (Ud.) ustedes (Uds.)
third person: él, ella ellos, ellas

What is ustedes form?

Ustedes is the plural form of Usted. And Usted is the formal version of tú. So essentially it is the formal, plural you.

What countries use usted?

We use “usted” in every Spanish speaking country in the planet. We use both “tú” and “vos” in informal contexts, but you will only hear the latter in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and some countries in Central America.