What is cg4 oil?
What is cg4 oil?
The “CI-4 PLUS” designation identifies oils formulated to provide a higher level of protection against soot-related viscosity increase and viscosity loss due to shear in diesel engines. When originally introduced, CI-4 PLUS identified CI-4 oils meeting a higher level of performance.
What is difference between cf4 and ci4 engine oil?
Two of the main performance attributes of API CH-4 oil compared to API CF are better oxidation control oil and improved dispersancy, which means API CH-4 oils keep the engine cleaner. Oil marketers need to make significant performance upgrades when moving from API CF to API CH-4.
What does CF mean in oil?
The second part,CF, is a diesel engine oil rating, ‘C’ being diesel and ‘F’ being the performance level.
What does CK 4 mean in oil?
CK-4 and FA-4 oils both represent an upgrade to CJ-4 oils. CK-4 oils maintain traditional high temperature/high shear (HTHS) viscosity and FA-4 oils are lower HTHS viscosity. Of the two oils, FA-4 oils focus on enhanced fuel efficiency for newer engines.
Can I use 10W-30 instead of 15w40?
Because 10W-30 is thinner than 15W-40 oil, its film strength can be weaker and it can be more prone to oxidation. High quality 10W-30 oils can perform as well, and better than industry-standard 15W-40 oils.
What is the recommended oil for my car?
Choose an oil with the vehicle manufacture’s recommended viscosity rating (check your owner’s manual). Viscosity is an oil’s ability to flow at different temperatures. The two most common viscosities (a.k.a. weights) are SAE 5W-30 and SAE 10W-30. The lower the number, the thinner the oil.
Can I mix SAE 30 with 10w40?
You can mix straight weights like SAE 10 and SAE 30 or multi-grades like 10W30 and 10W40. Run your straight 30 during the summer if you want to.
Is SJ oil better than SG?
In summary, API SJ represents an improved quality level of motor oil vs API SH. API SJ oils can be used in any applications where SH oils were being appropriately used. So if your owner’s manual calls for an API SE, SF, SG or SH motor oil – API SJ will work just fine.
Is SN oil better than SJ?
As explained earlier, the higher the letter, the more recent and a higher specification would supersede the lower ones. API SN to SJ are for the most recent cars, API SH to SA for the older cars. In this case, you need API SL, so an API SJ, lower, cannot be good. SM and SN supersedes SL so both oils can be used.
Is CK-4 better than cj4?
API CK-4 oils will replace current API CJ-4 engine oils and will be backward compatible with most applications where engine manufacturers currently recommend CJ-4. The new CK-4 oils will provide a number of improvements over CJ-4, including improved shear stability, oxidation resistance, and aeration control.
Are all 15W-40 oil the same?
In general, in a given engine at operating temperature a 5W-40 and a 15W-40 have the same viscosity; one will not be “thinner” or have a lower viscosity than the other. Both will have a viscosity of a 40 grade. That cannot be said for both oils during the dead of winter.
What oil is thicker 10W40 or 15W40?
When it’s cold, 15W40 is only heavier than 10W40. The thickness over temperature is referred to by the two numbers. They are the same weight in hot weather.
When to use CG-4 oil in diesel engines?
CH-4 oils are specifically compounded for use with diesel fuels ranging in sulfur content up to 0.5% weight. Can be used in place of CD, CE, CF-4, and CG-4 oils. Introduced in 1995. For severe duty, high-speed, four-stroke engines using fuel with less than 0.5% weight sulfur. CG-4 oils are required for engines meeting 1994 emission standards.
Which is the best engine lubricant CI-4 or CG 4?
CI-4 oils are superior in performance to those meeting API CH-4, CG-4 and CF-4 and can effectively lubricate engines calling for those API Service Categories.
Can a CJ-4 oil be used in a CI-4 engine?
API CJ-4 oils exceed the performance criteria of API CI-4 with CI-4 PLUS, CI-4, CH-4, CG-4 and CF-4 and can effectively lubricate engines calling for those API Service Categories. When using CJ-4 oil with higher than 15 ppm sulfur fuel, consult the engine manufacturer for service interval.
What kind of oil to use for API CK-4 engine?
This specification requires a XW-30 viscosity grade oil with fairly low HTHS viscosity (between 2.9 cP and 3.2 cP). Keep in mind: always check the user’s manual and only use oils that meet the specifications recommended by the manufacturer. Find out more about the API CK-4 and FA-4 specifications on our page about API Engine Oil Speficications.