
How do I redirect a user after login?

How do I redirect a user after login?

Redirect users to different locations after logging in and logging out. Define a set of redirect rules for specific users, users with specific roles, users with specific capabilities, and a blanket rule for all other users. Also, set a redirect URL for post-registration.

Is user logged in WordPress redirect?

WordPress provides a variety of functions to redirect logged-in users. These techniques enable you to redirect logged-in users to internal pages, external pages, and even return them to the current page. They’re some great tools to have in the ‘ol belt.

How do I fix WordPress login redirect?

WordPress Login Redirect Loop – The Solutions

  1. Clear Your Browser Cache.
  2. Manually Deactivate Plugins.
  3. Revert Back To Default WordPress Theme.
  4. Rename Or Delete htaccess File.
  5. Edit wp-config. php File.

How do I redirect a user not logged in WordPress?

4 Answers. Paste: // Redirect users who arent logged in… function login_redirect() { // Current Page global $pagenow; // Check to see if user in not logged in and not on the login page if(!

How do I use Peter’s login redirect?

Navigate to your WordPress “Plugins” page, inside of your WordPress dashboard, and follow these instructions:

  1. In the search field enter Peter’s Login Redirect. Click “Search Plugins”, or hit Enter.
  2. Select Peter’s Login Redirect and click either “Details” or “Install Now”.
  3. Once installed, click “Activate”.

Why is my WP admin redirecting?

WordPress comes with a settings option that has the URL of your website and the URL of your WordPress installation. If you had access to your WordPress admin area, then you could see this option under Settings » General page. If these URLs are incorrect, then WordPress will redirect you back to the login page.

Can I login to WordPress redirect loop?

WordPress login redirect loop is a common issue that can happen to anyone. Fortunately, you can easily solve this error by clearing browser cookies and cache, restoring default . htaccess file, and deactivating themes and plugins.

What is the link for WordPress admin login?

The WordPress login page can be reached by adding /login/, /admin/, or /wp-login. php at the end of your site’s URL.

How can I tell if a WordPress user is not logged in?

global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); Then, use following code to check whether user has logged in or not. get_current_user_id() will return the current user id (an integer), or will return 0 if the user is not logged in.

What is the best login plugin for WordPress?

11 Best WordPress Login Page Plugins (Secure & Customizable)

  1. SeedProd. SeedProd is the #1 drag & drop landing page builder for WordPress.
  2. WPForms.
  3. Theme My Login.
  4. Temporary Login Without Password.
  5. Shield Security.
  6. Nextend Social Login.
  7. Remember Me.
  8. Custom Login Page Customizer.

Why WP admin is not working?

Common reasons why you can’t access wp-admin Your login credentials (username/password) are incorrect. You’re being blocked by your security plugin. You changed the WordPress login URL. There’s a problem with your WordPress site (White Screen of Death, 500 Internal Server Error, etc.)

How to redirect users after successful login in WordPress?

Setup Login Redirect for Specific Users The first option on the settings page allows you to redirect only specific users. You can select a username from the drop-down menu. After that, you can enter the URLs to redirect a user on login and logout.

How can I set up a login redirect?

You simply need to select a user role from the drop down list and then enter the redirect URL. For example, you can redirect editors to the admin-area and subscribers to a custom page. The plugin also allows you to set up login redirects based on user levels and capabilities.

Why do I need to redirect to my back end in WordPress?

You can create user-role specific pages and keep unauthorized users out of the WordPress dashboard by redirecting users after login. This way, you can rest assured that clients and customers don’t end up on the WordPress backend. Instead, you can keep them on your site’s front-end.

When to use custom redirects in profile builder?

The Custom Redirects module in Profile Builder gives you several redirection methods for various user actions related to login and registration. Here’s a quick breakdown of the different options available to you: After Login – redirect users to a custom redirect URL after successful login.