
Is Eileen Downes alive?

Is Eileen Downes alive?

Eileen currently lives and works out of her studio near Portland, Oregon. …

What type of subject matter does Eileen Downes create?

collage painter
Eileen Downes – ZoneOne Arts. Eileen Downes is a collage painter known as the artist who “paints” with bits of torn paper for a palette: she makes art from torn, recycled paper.

Where is Eileen Downes from?

Eileen Downes is a native of California, currently living and working out of her studio near Portland, Oregon. Always attracted to art, Eileen pursued a career in Graphic Design and Scientific Illustration working for a local Civil Engineering Firm.

What materials does Derek Gores use?

I use magazines, maps, schematics, cd jackets, handwritten notes and digital textures. I try to make all the ‘edges’ in the piece out of a line or transition within the piece of paper I find, rather than by putting two pieces of paper edge to edge. This is what creates the spatial ambiguity that is fun to look at.

What is Eileen Downes medium?

I use archival matte medium and acid free backing paper for my artwork.

Is Derek Gores married?

Derek lives in Melbourne, Florida with his wife Jamie and their three daughters.

Why does Wangechi Mutu make art?

From corruption and violence, Mutu creates a glamorous beauty; her figures empowered by their survivalist adjustment to atrocity, made immune and ‘improved’ by horror and being victims. Wangechi Mutu trained as both a sculptor and anthropologist.

What famous race did Derek Gores produce art for?

This time last year, Derek was preparing to head for Louisville for the Kentucky Derby, celebrated as the artist commissioned to create the official Derby poster for 2013.

Where did Derek Gores go to school?

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
Derek Gores/Education

What are 2 ideas that are in Mutu’s work?

Mutu’s work crosses a variety of mediums, including collage, video, performance, and sculpture, and investigates themes of gender, race, and colonialism. Her work, in part, centers on the violence and misrepresentation experienced by Black women in contemporary society.

What kind of artist is Wangechi Mutu?

Wangechi Mutu/Forms

Is Wangechi Mutu married?

Once freed from the restrictions, she decided, with her husband, Mario Lazzaroni, and their two young daughters, to have an adventure. Where would it be?