
What is the open access transmission tariff?

What is the open access transmission tariff?

Electronic transmission tariff accepted by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission requiring the Transmission Service Provider to furnish to all shippers with non-discriminating service comparable to that provided by Transmission Owners to themselves.

What is open access in transmission?

The definition of Open Access in the Electricity Act, 2003, is “the non-discriminatory provision for the use of transmission lines or distribution system or associated facilities with such lines or system by any licensee or consumer or a person engaged in generation in accordance with the regulations specified by the …

What is the Oatt?

The Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) defines the terms and conditions of point-to-point and network integration transmission services offered by BPA Transmission Services.

What is FERC Order 888?

FERC Order 888 requires all public utilities to file tariffs providing nondiscriminatory access to all wholesale users. (Retail or end-users are still under the purview of the states). Suggested Citation:”The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Open Access Rule.” National Research Council.

What is long term open access?

Long-term access refers to the right to use the inter-state transmission system (ISTS) for a period exceeding seven years. Medium-term open access refers to the right to use the ISTS for a period equal to or exceeding 3 months but not exceeding 5 years.

What is a wheeling charge?

A wheeling charge is a currency per megawatt-hour amount that a transmission owner receives for the use of its system to export energy.

What are advantages of open access?

Open Access means more readers, more potential collaborators, more citations for their work, and ultimately more recognition for them and their institution. Open Access means improved access to research for all.

How are transmission charges calculated?

9.1 The transmission access charges for a zone shall be determined by computing the weighted average of nodal charges at each node in the zone. This shall be used to calculate the PoC charges of a zone. The weights used shall be the generation/ load at the respective node in the 400 kV truncated network.

What does purpa stand for?

Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA)

What is an ISO energy?

Independent system operators (ISOs) An ISO is an organization formed at the direction or recommendation of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

What is the difference between wheeling charges and transmission charges?

The TRR is paid through transmission access charges (TACs), load-weighted fees charged to internal load and energy exports for use of the transmission facilities. The energy export fee is often referred to as a wheeling charge. When wheeling-through, the transmission access charge only applies to the exported amount.

What is stage1 connectivity?

1 An entity which has been selected through the tariff based competitive bidding carried out by the agency designated by the Central Government or the State Government for development of renewable generation projects including hybrid projects and is either a grantee of Stage-I connectivity or has applied for Stage-I …

How are transmission charges paid for open access?

The transmission charges for short-term open access will be payable by generating stations and entities located in the state, as per the last published open access regulations, 2008.

What do you have to pay for open access?

A consumer who is permitted open access will have to make payment to the generator, the transmission licensee whose transmission systems are used, distribution utility for the wheeling charges and, in addition, the Cross Subsidy Surcharge.

Is the TDs applicable to open access charges?

The AO was of the view that TDS was applicable on these charges under section 194-I since the transmission/wheeling charges paid were for the use of equipments. The assessee company paid transmission/wheeling charges to the OPTCL/PGCIL and other transmission companies and on which it did not deduct any TDS.

What is the pro forma open access transmission tariff?

The Commission amends its regulations and the pro forma open access transmission tariff (pro forma OATT), adopted in Order No. 888, to remedy opportunities for undue discrimination and address deficiencies in the pro forma OATT that have become apparent since the issuance of these orders. The major reforms are: