Users' questions

What game is Monomi Park working on?

What game is Monomi Park working on?

Slime Rancher
Monomi Park is a tiny bastion for wild dreamers and mad creators. They are currently developing their first project, Slime Rancher, a game for PC, Mac, and Linux.

What is Monomi Park doing now?

Founded in 2014 in sunny San Mateo, California, Monomi Park is home to a diverse team of wild dreamers and mad creators committed to creating unconventional gaming experiences that defy expectations. We are currently developing the award-winning game, Slime Rancher!

Is Monomi Park indie?

Monomi Park is an independent game studio based out of sunny San Mateo, California. The studio was founded in 2014 by game designer Nick Popovich and software engineer Mike Thomas.

Is Slime rancher 2 out yet?

Slime Rancher 2 is slated to be released sometime in 2022.

Is Slime rancher free?

Slime Rancher is now free on the Epic Games Store.

Will Monomi Park make another game?

Monomi Park followed. Slime Rancher 2 arrives in 2022!!! Slime Rancher 2 is on the horizon!

Are Monokuma and Monomi siblings?

Usami is Monokuma’s self-proclaimed adoptive little sister. Monokuma changed her appearance to resemble his own and renamed her Monomi.

How old is Beatrix Lebeau?

Age: Unknown. However, it is implied that she is in her early 20s. Destructive Ability: Human Level (Simply is a normal human being with no specific powers).

Will slime rancher 2 be multiplayer?

If you are wondering if the upcoming Slime Rancher 2 will support co-op or even has multiplayer, there is no definitive answer at the time of writing. This is because there hasn’t been any new information from the developers that either confirm or flat out say multiplayer is not a feature.

Is Slime rancher 2 on PS5?

Slime Rancher 2 is not coming out on PS5 or PS4. The game is a confirmed Xbox Series S/X and PC exclusive. The game is exclusive to the console launch, so it may still come to PS5 and PS4 later on after it’s initially released.

Is Slime rancher on PS5?

Slime Rancher 2 will not be releasing on PS5 or PS4. The game is a confirmed Xbox Series S/X and PC exclusive.

Is Slime rancher on switch 2021?

Now, in 2021, the game has come to Nintendo Switch. Slime Rancher: Plortable Edition features the full Slime Rancher experience, including all of the downloadable content (DLC) that was released for the game after its initial launch.

Where can I find Monomi Park on YouTube?

Monomi Park – YouTube Monomi Park is a tiny bastion for wild dreamers and mad creators. We are currently developing the award-winning game – Slime Rancher!www.slimerancher.comwww…. Monomi Park is a tiny bastion for wild dreamers and mad creators.

Where is Monomi Park in San Mateo CA?

Founded in 2014 in sunny San Mateo, California, Monomi Park is home to a diverse team of wild dreamers and mad creators committed to creating unconventional gaming experiences that defy expectations. We are currently developing the award-winning game, Slime Rancher!

Who are the members of Monomi Park forums?

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