
What is an RNFL OCT?

What is an RNFL OCT?

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-contact optical technique that allows imaging and measurement of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL). Since 1991,1 OCT has undergone rapid evolution for use in detection and monitoring of glaucoma and macular diseases.

What is the CPT code for OCT?

Use CPT code(s) 92133 or 92134 to report OCT, include any necessary modifiers (e.g. 26, TC).

Can 92132 and 92134 be billed together?

Q. Can 92133 and 92134 be used on the same visit? A. No, they cannot be billed at the same patient encounter, per CPT instructions.

What is procedure code 92226?

92226: “Ophthalmoscopy, extended, with retinal drawing (eg, for retinal detachment, melanoma), with interpretation and report; subsequent” Documentation required a retinal drawing.

Why do they test for OCT in eyes?

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a commonly performed diagnostic test designed to assist your doctor in identifying retinal diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or diabetic retinopathy (diabetic eye disease).

What can OCT diagnose?

OCT is useful in diagnosing many eye conditions, including:

  • macular hole.
  • macular pucker.
  • macular edema.
  • age-related macular degeneration.
  • glaucoma.
  • central serous retinopathy.
  • diabetic retinopathy.
  • vitreous traction.

What does CPT code 92012 mean?

The intermediate services (92002, 92012) describe an evaluation of a new or existing condition complicated with a new diagnostic or management problem with initiation of a diagnostic and treatment program. These services require that the patient needs and receives care for a condition other than refractive error.

Can CPT code 92250 and 92134 be billed together?

Coding Implications Fundus photography with interpretation and report—92250—and either 92133 or 92134 cannot be performed on the same date of service on the same patient.

Is 92225 a deleted code?

Both 92225 and 92226 have been unilateral services, which means that they could be billed per eye if pathology was present and the drawing otherwise adds to the examination by the provider. For 2020, both of these longstanding codes are being deleted and therefore cannot be used after Dec. 31, 2019.

What is the 59 modifier?

Modifier 59 is used to identify procedures/services, other than E/M services, that are not normally reported together, but are appropriate under the circumstances.

Are OCT eye scans worth it?

In particular, an OCT scan can help to detect eye conditions like glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Your optician may recommend that you attend an OCT scan even when your eyes are healthy in order to provide a baseline image.

Which is the correct CPT code for FP and Oct?

Advances in ophthalmic imaging, such as SLO, permit simultaneous capture of FP and OCT, but Medicare’s NCCI edits permit billing just one CPT code, 92250 or 92134, in most cases. Old instructions in CPT Assistant stipulated that 92250 is the correct code to report SLO.

How is RNFL thickness measured with SPECTRALIS Oct?

The various devices measure RNFL thickness in slightly different ways. In the Spectralis OCT, it’s measured directly with a 3.46-mm diameter circular scan centered on the optic disc. In the case of the Cirrus OCT, the measurement of RNFL is generated from a 6 mm 3 cube scan centered on the optic disc.

How to report Oct with CPT code 92133?

1. Use CPT code(s) 92133 or 92134 to report OCT, include any necessary modifiers (e.g. 26, TC). 1. CPT codes 92133 and 92134 are classified as unilateral or bilateral procedures. 2. Bill the test on a single line, place 00010 in Item 24G on the CMS 1500 claim form or its equivalent.

What is the coding for fundus imaging of the retina?

Fairly often, questions arise regarding the appropriate coding and billing of fundus photography, CPT 92250, and scanning computerized ophthalmic diagnostic imaging of the retina (SCODI-R), CPT 92134, also called retinal OCT.